This application provides the current and 10-day forecast of the local weather.
For current weather it provides the following:
- temperature
- weather description
- latest update time
- humidity
- sunrise
- sunset
- wind speed and direction
For the 10-day forecast Local Weather Viewer provides the following:
- expected high/lows
- expected weather description
- expected wind speed and direction
- expected humidity
This application makes the following api calls:
geolocation - Obtains the location of the user. This data will be sent into the weather API calls to get local weather data.
current weather - gets the current weather data.
10-day forecast - gets the 10-day forecast of data.
The Local Weather Viewer was written by Coy Sanders as a requirement in the Intermediate Front-End Development Projects for FreeCodeCamp to earn the Front-End Development Certification.
Weather API provided by Apixu
Weather and wind icons provided by
Copyright (c) 2017