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Lyndsy Simon edited this page Sep 5, 2013 · 6 revisions


User creation with correctly filled fields should succeed.

Creation: No Password

User creation with an empty password field should fail.

Creation: Short Password

User creation with an unacceptably short password should fail.

Creation: Long Password

User creation with an unacceptably long password should fail.

Creation: No Email

User creation with an empty email field should fail.uld fail.

Creation: Invalid Email

User creation with an invalid email should fail.

Creation: Mismatched Passwords

User creation with mismatched password fields should fail.

Creation: Mismatched Emails

User creation with mismatched password fields should fail.

Profile Page

User's profile page is accessible; user's fullname appears in the heading.

Change Name

Using the editable popup on the user's profile page, the user may change their name and it is reflected when the page is reloaded.

Public Shortlink

The public shortlink displayed on the user's profile page goes to a page with their fullname at the top

Forgot Password: No email

Submitting the "forgot password" form with an empty email field should fail.

Forgot Password: Invalid email

Submitting the "forgot password" form with an invalid email should fail.

Forgot Password: Email not registered

Submitting the "forgot password" form with an email not registered in the OSF should fail.

Forgot Password

Submitting the "forgot password" form with a valid email should succeed.

Login: Empty form

Submitting the login form with no email or password provided should fail with appropriate error messages

Login: No email

Submitting the login form with no email provided should fail with an appropriate error.

Login: No password

Submitting the login form with no password provided should fail with an appropriate error.

Login: Unregistered Email

Submitting the login form with an unregistered email provided should fail.

Login: Bad password

Submitting the login form with an incorrect password provided should fail.


Submitting the login form with a correct email and password provided should succeed.


Clicking the "Logout" link in the navbar should log the user out of the OSF.