Electric Roadtrip is an ongoing personal project to create an application that alleviates the concerns a person may have with purchasing an electric vechicle (EV). Using the app, a user can 1) compare electric vechicles and see a map of different ranges and 2) find EV charging stations along a given route.
Currently, I am implementating a feature that will allow a user to plan a long-distance roadtrip with an electric vechicle by selecting EV stations near amenities like hotels and restaurants.
This application queries six external APIs:
- U.S. Department of Energy's FuelEconomy.gov for retrieving current electric vehicle information and options
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)'s Alternative Fuel Stations for retrieving EV stations
- Google Geocoding for converting user's address to lat/long coordinates
- Google Directions for retrieving WKT linestring of given route for NREL API request and rendering route via Mapbox
- Car Imagery for rendering vehicle images
- Mapbox for rendering range visualizations
You must have PostgreSQL, Rails, and Bundler installed on your machine to use this repository.
After cloning this repo, run the following command in your CLI:
$ bundle install
$ rake db:{create,migrate}
To run this application locally, run the following command and visit localhost:3000:
$ rails server
The test suite is written using RSpec. To run the tests:
$ rspec
Ellen Cornelius. Check out my website at ellencornelius.com.