Raster is a GPU-Based Node Video Editor with unlimited functionallity!
Currently Raster is not suitable for everyday use, but it improves every day.
Raster is getting more and more features and stability fixes every day.
What's implemented for now:
- Advanced rendering capabilities with nodes
- Audio decoding & processing stack
Future plans:
- Video decoding & encoding
- Implement more rendering capabilities
- Make UI more comfortable to use
At the moment, Raster is highly unoptimized. Current goal is just to get things to work, only then optimize them
Raster uses custom build system which is specifically tailored for compiling lots of build targets.
Currently, Linux is the only supported platform. Windows is in theory supported too, but bulilding for Window is not heavily tested.
How to build:
- Run
orpython build/build.py
- Install required dependencies, if they're missing (build system will notify you about missing libraries)