This Serverless function runs on AWS Lambda once per hour. It saves the most recent repos that you Starred as Pinboard bookmarks and tags them as "github".
You need Node.js installed locally
You need an AWS Account setup along with access credentials setup locally
You need Python 3 installed locally to test
You need to create a GitHub Personal Access Token. Fine-grained ones are probably more secure but have a max lifetime of a year.
You need to get your Pinboard API Token
Open a Powershell window on Windows (or bash etc on Linux)
Install the Serverless framework with
npm install -g serverless
Install the Serverless Python plugin with
npm install
Create a Python Virtual Environment with
python -m venv venv
Activate the Python Virtual Environment in Powershell on Windows with
Install Python modules with
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy serverless-template.yml to serverless.yml
Edit serverless.yml and configure your GitHub Username, GitHub Access Token and Pinboard Access Token
Deploy to AWS Lambda with
serverless deploy
Wait an hour for the first run or manually open the URL that the deploy command lists on successful execution
You should see the most recent GitHub Starred repos listed as bookmarks on Pinboard