Welcome everybody!
This is a testing repo for the UCSB Data Science Capstone Preparation Workshop. It was created as part of the Warm-up activity.
We encourage you to add your information below -- GitHub uses a formatting language called Markdown, which you can practice by following the 7 steps of this tutorial: https://www.markdowntutorial.com.
- Yekaterina Kharitonova, UCSB CS Professorlvkd84
- Kha-Dinh Luong - PhD Student
- TODO: add your name and github ID
- (https://github.com/TeresaGonz) - Teresa Gonzalez
- Yan Lashchev, UCSB Math/Stats undergrad studentJordanTran
- Jordan Tranconnor11son
- Connor Levenson
- We look forward to your Pull Requests