Make sure your application has permission to execute workflow,
poll and execute tasks.
The quickest way to set this up is to grant Unrestricted Worker,
Workflow Manager roles.
Workflow execution command is at the end of this document. Example input for the workflow execution specifies local postgres database with:
- username: patients
- password: patients
- database: patients
- no SSL
- table
(meant to serve as local) inpublic
schema - table
(meant to serve as external) inpublic
Run following commands from the command line:
createdb patients
psql patients
You should be logged into the test database via psql.
Paste the following commands to setup the tables from the psql shell.
create table patients1 (
first_name text,
last_name text,
dob date,
family_doctor_assigned bool
create table patients2 (
first_name text,
last_name text,
dob date,
family_doctor_assigned bool
INSERT INTO patients1 VALUES ('John', 'Smith', '1983-05-21'::date, false);
INSERT INTO patients2 VALUES ('John', 'Smith', '1983-05-21'::date, true);
docker-compose up
will create a container with the database in it and also initialize it.
Navigate to the root of the cloned repository and run the following command
yarn &&
ts-node src/main.ts
or for node
yarn &&
yarn build &&
node dist/main.js
Make sure this workflow definition is added to your Orkes instance if not testing on the Playground -
curl -X POST localhost:3000/ --data '{"localTable":"patients1","externalTable":"patients2","dob":"1983-05-21","LocalDBConnectionString":"postgres://patients:patients@localhost:5432/patients","last_name":"Smith","first_name":"John","ExternalDBConnectionString":"postgres://patients:patients@localhost:5432/patients"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
The above command should result in a successfult workflow execution of the PatientWorkflow similar to