Analyzing neuroimaging data in the AWS cloud
aws_pipelines.xlsx - Spreadsheet showing the pipeline runtime parameters on AWS for CPAC, Freesurfer (w/ and w/o GPU), ANTs, and QAP
- act_runtimes.png - histogram of the runtimes for completing ANTs cortical thickness on IBA_TRT subjects
- act_runtimes.yml - YAML containing the runtimes in hours
- adhd200_cpac_benchmark.results - summary of the runtime results for the CPAC run on subjects from the ADHD200 dataset
- adhd200_cpac_runtimes.png - histogram of the runtime to complete running CPAC on subjects from the ADHD200 dataset
- adhd200_cpac_runtimes.yml - YAML containing the runtimes in minutes
- adhd200_fail_logs.yml - YAML containing s3 paths to the log files from the ADHD200 CPAC run
- adhd200_outdirs_mb.png - historgram of the output directory sizes of the CPAC run on the ADHD200 subjects in MB
- adhd200_outdirs_mb.yml - YAML of the directory sizes in MB
- adhd200_upl_runtimes.png - histogram of the runtimes, in minutes, for output CPAC data to be uploaded to S3 from AWS EC2 instances
- adhd200_upl_runtimes.yml - YAML of the runtimes in minutes
- freesurfer_runtimes.png - histogram of the runtime to complete running 'recon-all' on all 50 of the subjects from IBA_TRT
- fs_gpu_runtimes.png - histogram of runtimes for completing 'recon-all' using GPU optimizations on IBA_TRT
- fs_gpu_runtimes.yml - YAML containing the runtimes in hours
- fs_runtimes.yml - YAML containing the runtimes in hours
- - Nipype interface made to work with the ANTs cortical thickness extraction script found here
- - Python script to run the ANTs cortical thickness script and upload results to S3
- act_run.sge - SGE bash script to launch over parallel HPC nodes via SGE
- - script to download and run Freesurfer's 'recon-all' command using GPU-optimized binaries instead of CPU ones.
- - script to download and run Freesurfer's 'recon-all' command on the CORR IBA_TRT data and then uploads the results to S3 on the 'fcp-indi' bucket
- download_run_fs.sge - SGE bash script to launch over parallel HPC nodes via SGE
- - Python script to pull data from pipeline log files and plot the runtime data
Transcript related to the AWS paper (now on Google docs)
LaTeX files and images used to create the AWS/NDAR poster for OHBM 2015 and Neuroimformatics 2015
- - Python module to record the spot price history from AWS and save histories to csv dataframes and log files
- - Python script to run AWS simulations over spot history in parallel using a configuration file and spot history csv
- Python script to run the AWS static pricing model given a per-hour price, availability zone, and configuration file
S3_costs_2mm.R - R script that models and plots AWS costs for based on CPAC runtimes for 2mm images
spot_sim_plots.R - R script to create static model plots for the poster
spot_sim_plots_Sw.R - R script to create static and simulation model plots for paper
- - Python module to simulate job submissions over spot history and calculate runtimes and costs
- - Python module with various utilities related to the AWS spot simulations, including dataframe consolidation and parallel processing
ANTs, CPAC, and Freesurfer spot simulation config files with the runtime details for estimating time and cost of running on AWS
- ants_avg_simgs_and_static.csv - ANTs mean and median spot simulation averages along side static runtimes and costs
- c3.8xlarge-allzones-avgs_03-15_09-04-2015.csv - Mean and median spot history price for the c3.8xlarge Linux/UNIX instance across availability zones from March 3 to Sept 4 2015
- cpac_avg_simgs_and_static.csv - C-PAC mean and median spot simulation averages along side static runtimes and costs
- fs_avg_simgs_and_static.csv - Freesurfer mean and median spot simulation averages along side static runtimes and costs
Plots of the cost and times across number of datasets and bid ratios as well as mean simulation vs static costs and times