This release introduces two new features:
- Segmentation from shapes other than bounding boxes (ellipses and polygons)
- Automatic instance segmentation for 3d
In addition we have refactored and improved the training code, which speeds up model finetuning.
See below for a more detailed changelog.
What's Changed
- More doc updates by @constantinpape in #162
- Using predictor device when setting image embedding by @JoOkuma in #163
- micro-sam napari plugin by @GenevieveBuckley in #165
- Fix YAML formatting errors so Github actions will run by @GenevieveBuckley in #166
- Implement 3d auto segmentation by @constantinpape in #169
- fixed annotator_3d missing embedding path by @tc2fh in #170
- Supporting Apple Silicon devices by @GenevieveBuckley in #178
- Add MPS Pytorch support for batched_mask_to_box function by @GenevieveBuckley in #180
- Add support for MPS device by @constantinpape in #176
- Clear torch memory cache in tests by @GenevieveBuckley in #179
- Implement runtime benchmarks by @constantinpape in #182
- Add initial support for vit tiny model from mobileSAM by @constantinpape in #174
- Clean up by @constantinpape in #184
- Trying to improve performance for MPS by @constantinpape in #183
- Add docstring about how to run benchmarks by @GenevieveBuckley in #187
- Implement RLE computation with numba by @constantinpape in #190
- Refactoring Iterative Training Scheme by @anwai98 in #192
- Implement prototype for segmentation of complex shapes by @constantinpape in #196
- Fix CLI for embedding precomputation by @constantinpape in #209
- Refactor Prompt Generators by @anwai98 in #210
- Fix tuple annotations by @constantinpape in #213
- Fix prompt gens by @constantinpape in #211
- Change keybinding for volume segmentation (remove clash with napari layer visibility keybinding) by @GenevieveBuckley in #207
- Next release by @constantinpape in #172
- Implement integration test for training by @constantinpape in #198
- Minor Fix - Livecell Patch Shape by @anwai98 in #216
- Add imagecodecs dependency by @constantinpape in #217
- Update Casting of Instance Estimations by @anwai98 in #218
- Update Documentation by @anwai98 in #220
- Fix Imports in Livecell Inference by @anwai98 in #219
- Fix Box Prompting in Inference by @anwai98 in #221
- Merge fixes into master by @constantinpape in #224
- Histopatho model by @constantinpape in #193
- Add prediction with box prompts to training integration tests by @constantinpape in #225
- Bump version for release 0.3.0 by @constantinpape in #226
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.2.2...0.3.0