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Releases: colourgarden/avalanche


04 Aug 08:32
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Fixes issue with Sass no longer compiling escaped class names beginning with a number.

When escaping a numeral in Sass, a space is inserted after the escaped character. This breaks a CSS class name.

More info in the spec.


18 Jun 21:53
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Introduction of stylelint and editorconfig files to encourage consistent and sane contributions.

Thanks to @meowsus for the groundwork.


25 Nov 16:34
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Introducing new variables to enable use of BEVM naming convention.

  • Element name (cell by default) can now be modified independently of global namespace (grid)
  • Class chain separators for element, modifier and breakpoint can now be set individually. Changing modifier to '.-' enables use of BEVM variation classes like grid -center rather than grid--center

Thanks for @willemvb for initial idea and groundwork.


23 May 10:18
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Fixing numerator escaping. Check for presence of a namespace and, if so, skip over escaping the numerator. Previously, class names were being unnecessarily escaped when using a namespace e.g. “.col-\31-of-2”. Also fixed small comment typo.


04 May 14:24
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  • Adding a unit to the font-size: 0 whitespace remover a unit so that IE8 ignores it and still shows the content.


30 Mar 15:31
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  • Pre-compiled, minified CSS file with 12-column grid and all grid layouts added so project can be added to CDNJS
  • escapeNumerator function written to make sure that all digits are escaped in multi-digit fraction classes. Previously, with 10/12, only the 1 of 10 would be escaped meaning the class wasn't correctly read


04 Jan 11:50
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Update README for Bower and NPM