This repo will deploy a VPC, private subnets, public subnets, security groups S3 bucket, SQS, an Ubuntu VM with the Datadog Agent and Vector configured. The security group associated with the aws_instance will only allow 22/tcp from your local public IP address. Relevant variables will output upon successful deployment of resources.
This repo requires the following:
- AWS Account with appropriate permissions
- Access/Secret Access Key
- Terraform installed
- You will need to create terraform.tfvars. terraform.tfvars should include your AWS key/secret
You will need to create terraform.tfvars in the directory that you are using to deploy resources with the following values:
= "<AWS_ACCESS_KEY"secret_key
= "<DATADOG_API_KEY>"ssh_pub_key
- Nagivate to the agent-vector directory
- Initiliaze the Terraform providers with:
terraform init
- Preview the Terraform actions wtih:
terraform plan
- Execute the actions proposed in terraform plan with:
terraform apply
- You can destroy specific resources by running:
terraform destroy --target <resource>.<resource_name>
- You can destroy all resources by running:
terraform destroy