Sample perception module for a vehicle in the simulation framework.
Consists of two sensors:
- publishes the exact vehicle's MotionState (exact as received from the localization management)
- publishes regularly the vehicle's BasicSafetyMessage
- pose is received from the localization management, velocity and acceleration are calculated using difference quotient if possible
- publishes all other vehicle's ObjectStates (exact as received from the localization management)
- the objects poses are received from the localization management, velocity and acceleration are calculated using difference quotient if possible
- this package is part of the simulation framework
- see coincarsim_getting_started for installation and more details
- started within the a vehicle launchfile of the simulation_initialization_ros_tool
- parameters that need to be passed to the launchfile
:- vehicle_id: Id of the vehicle, needs to be unique within the framework
- vehicle_ns: Namespace of the vehicle, needs to be unique within the framework
- objects_ground_truth_topic_with_ns: Topic under which the ground truth states of the objects are received
- perc_pred_obj_topic: Topic for the perceived objects
- perc_egomotion_topic: Topic for the perceived ego motion state
- internal_communication_subns: Subnamespace for vehicle-internal communication
- BSM_topic: Topic for the basic safety messages
- fork this repo
- use your own algorithms for modeling sensor characteristics and fusing sensor information
- ensure that
/$(arg vehicle_ns)/$(arg perc_egomotion_topic)
is published/$(arg vehicle_ns)/$(arg perc_pred_obj_topic)
is published- all internal ROS communication stays within the perception namespace
Contact the maintainer.