[4.0.0] - 2021-02-24
- 0533da - more strict php cs fixer rules - @norberttech
- #123 - Relative/Time Unit humanizer - @norberttech
- #123 - TimePeriod humanizer - @norberttech
- #123 - Support for \DateTimeInterface instead of legacy \DateTime in all DateTimeHumanizers - @norberttech
- #122 - phpstan with highest possible requirements - @norberttech
- #122 - psalm with highest possible requirements - @norberttech
- #122 - arguments and return type hinting - @norberttech
- #122 - PHP 8.0 support - @norberttech
- #122 - More precise CS fixer rules - @norberttech
- #122 - Full change log - @norberttech
- #122 - integration with aeon-php/automation - @norberttech
- #122 - Github actions integration - @norberttech
- #120 - test for azerbaijani language - @4t87ux8
- #119 - support azerbaijani language - @4t87ux8
- #124 - load Translator only once for given locale - @norberttech
- #122 - minimum required PHP version ^7.4 - @norberttech
- #118 - create azerbaijani translation - @4t87ux8
- fa52e6 - Fixxed issue with symfony translator dependency, upgraded php, phpunit and phpspec dependencies - @norberttech
- f989a9 - Create FUNDING.yml - @norberttech
- 142689 - Update README.md - @norberttech
- 6255e0 - Moved php-cs-fixer to dev dependency where it belongs to - @norberttech
- 4d62db - Migrated from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com - @norberttech
- dc528e - Update README.md - @norberttech
- 1b2787 - dev-master branch aliast - @norberttech
- 16074f - missing .php_cs configuration file - @norberttech
- 4de08d - updating changelog workflow - @norberttech
- fc3a04 - travis configuration - @norberttech
- #115 - composer autoloading deprecation notice; Support symfony 5 - @brianwozeniak
- #122 - phpspec - @norberttech
- #122 - symfony/config dependency - @norberttech
- #122 - travis CI integration - @norberttech
- 83a180 - php 8.0 from matrix - @norberttech
Generated by Automation