- Dynamo
- Ipsit Sahoo, Sandipan De, Varad Vijay Deshmukh
Installation steps:
Ensure the test_case folder is downloaded from https://github.com/nehavadnere/cse546-project-lambda/tree/master/test_cases and set it up in the same directory as the project folder
Ensure workload.py is in the same folder as well
Run requirements.txt to ensure boto3 is installed for running the workload.py | pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Docker setup (https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/)
In your docker environment, set-up the docker configuration file (Dockerfile) to run on this folder and push the changes to ECR.
Once the docker has been setup, you can run workload.py to execute the test-cases.
- input S3 nucket name : inputbucket-cse546
- output S3 bucket name : outputbucket-cse546
- Dynamo DB : After configuring AWS CLI, push data to dynamo_db using upload_data_to_dynamo.py
- Here's how the end to end pipe looks like
- Once the docker has been setup, you can run workload.py to execute the test-cases.
Skeleton Forked from : https://github.com/nehavadnere/cse546-project-lambda
- Create a new python environment
- Run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Uncomment line 177 in handler.py to test in your non-docker IDE environment.
- Execute
python handler.py