AlgVizard is an algorithm visualizer which will help people to understand algorithms by visualizing them.
This website is made for the theme Visualization
in Tech With Tim Code jam hosted at 2021 March
It can give you a basic understanding of algorithms which includes:
- Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Selection Sort
- Binary Search Trees
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Searching
- Transversal
- Linked List
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Searching
- Transversal
- Stack
- Pushing
- Popping
- Peeking
The Visualizer is made completely responsive. All algorithms has an animated visualization which also includes a commented pseudo code explanation of the algorithms. It also specifies the Big O Notation of each operation.
This project is made by -
- Coding with 3DV
Goto and there you have it
This project was made on a mobile phone but I made it very responsive so it will also work fine in other devices