Hi there! 👋 I’m @coderfarhaan, a developer passionate about crafting amazing Web and Mobile applications.
👀 Interests: I’m deeply interested in Web and Mobile app development. 🌱 Currently Learning: Diving into the MERN stack and exploring Django with a deep love for Python. Always excited to learn and grow! 💞️ Looking to Collaborate On: I’m eager to collaborate on nascent projects or those starting from scratch. If you have a fresh idea or a repo in need of contributors, let’s build it together! 📫 How to Reach Me: Feel free to reach out via on https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohammad-farhaan-khan/. 😄 Pronouns: He ⚡ Fun Fact: I prefer to keep things straightforward and focused. Let’s avoid unnecessary distractions and get straight to the fun of coding! Let’s create something extraordinary together! 🚀