- An OTT Video Streaming web application which provides an immersive experience to users who can watch all their favourite movies, series, TV shows, anime, cartoon, etc.
- Each user will have smooth control and quality assured content on the portal.
- VanillaJS
- jQuery
- Hack
- PayPal-PHP-SDK
- User registration/sign in facility to activate an account.
- Storing session to check if the user is logged in or not.
- Creating and displaying the preview video overlay. Changing the background color of navigation bar on scrolling.
- Displaying movies, TV shows, series category wise (Action, Adventure, Comedy, etc.).
- A featured video player with features like play, pause, full screen, picture in picture, previous, volume, skip +5/-5 secs, download, etc. . Replay and next episode overlay is shown at the end of the video.
- AJAX implementation to add and update duration of the video as it plays. This essentially keeps track of the user's progress. Hence, he/she can come back and resume from where they left off.
- Marking and displaying the video as 'seen' on finishing it.
- Recommending videos to user based on his/her previous watching history
- AJAX implementation for a live search system.
- Allows user to upadate his/her personal details in the profile section.
- PayPal payment subscription integration.
- User can view his/her transaction history in PayPal.
- One can resume the video from where he has last left on re-login.
- Pre-requisite: XAMPP server installation.
- Clone the respository/download the source code.
- Place the repository in xampp/htdocs.
- Download PayPal-PHP-SDK latest version from here:- https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/releases and place it in xampp/htdocs/InfiMaze.
- Import infimaze database from InfiMaze/databases/infimaze into phpmyadmin.
- Run the login.php or register.php using xampp localhost.
- And you are ready to go 🥳!!
- Create an account on https://developer.paypal.com/home.
- Go into Dashboard->My Apps & Credentials->live and create a new app (eg, infimaze).
- Make sure to link the app with a live account 😬(sandbox is a dummy payPal account)!
- Copy your Client ID and Secret (you wanna keep that a secret :wink:), replace it in includes/paypalConfig.php as shown below.
- You can create your own billing plan in billingPlan.php by changing values and currency. (Also you can change duration for payment in line.16 of billing.php)
- And you are done creating your own subscription integration 😄!