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Learning Resources

All the FREE learning resources in one place. These resources are strictly recommended.

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Frontend Development

Backend Development

Mobile Development



UI/UX Design

Data Science/ Machine Learning

Practice Coding Problems

  • Edabit - A better way to learn programming, you learn to code with 10,000+ interative challenges.
  • Screeps - It's an open-source game for programmers, wherein the core mechanic is programming your units' AI. You control your colony by writing JavaScript.
  • Kattis - Here you can find hundreds of programming problems to solve.
  • Practity - Python Practice Problems For Beginners.
  • Codeabbey lra- Collection of programming problems to practice solving, learn to program and code, and win certificates.
  • Geektastic - Technical Assesment & Code Challenge Platform.
  • Halite - An artificial intelligence programming challenge created by Two Sigma, in which players build bots using the coding language of their choice to compete in an original online multiplayer game.
  • CodeGym - An online course for learning Java programming from scratch.
  • CodePen - A platform that offers fun opportunities for leveling up your skills by building things.
  • HireVue - Helps global enterprises gain a competitive advantage in the modern talent marketplace with video interviewing software, conversational AI, and pre-hire assessments.
  • Kaggle - Your machine learning and data science community.
  • Programmr - An online interactive lab for students and enthusiasts to learn, practice and become proficient in programming.
  • Interview Cake - A study tool that preps software engineering candidates for programming interviews.
  • Testdome - Programming and Interview Online Assessment Tests.
  • Rosalind - A platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving.
  • Code Jam - Google’s longest running global coding competition. Code Jam, calls on programmers around the world to solve challenging, algorithmic puzzles against the clock.
  • Kick Start - Kick Start offers coders around the world the chance to develop and hone their programming skills through online-hosted competition rounds.
  • Reply Challenges - A series of challenges created by Replyers and open to anyone who loves technology and online competitions.
  • Pramp - Practice Mock Interviews & Coding Challenges.
  • - Anonymous technical mock interviews with engineers from Google, Facebook, and other top companies.
  • CSES Problem Set - Developed by Antti Laaksonen, it contains mostly educational problems.
  • URI Online Judge - The main goal of the project is to provide programming practice and knowledge sharing.
  • Codility - TA platform to discover the ins and outs of coding by taking our hands-on coding lessons.
  • Dare2Compete - A global platform that provides students, professionals, and educators opportunities across all domains to engage with institutes and companies by participating and competing in intellectual gamified engagements.
  • Codility - A platform to discover the ins and outs of coding by taking our hands-on coding lessons.
  • PythonChallenge - A set of riddles that require a little bit of Python programming to be solved.
  • Advent of Code - A yearly set of coding challenges that published with leaderboards.
  • Geeks for geeks - A computer science portal for geeks.
  • A2 Online Judge - A curated list of problems sequenced in ladder to practice and master competitive coding.
  • Project Euler - Solve computational and mathematical problems using your programming skills.
  • AtCoder - Highly recommended for its Beginner Contests. Known for it's quality problems. Do give it a try if you're getting started with CP.
  • DMOJ: Modern Online Judge - Contest platform and archive of programming problems.
  • Rose Code - Programming challenges with leaderboards and blog posts.
  • Coderbyte - Programming challenges and specific routes to help learn specific skills.
  • Code Golf - Programming challenges with individual leaderboards for problems.
  • Daily Coding Problem - Get emailed a new coding problem everyday.
  • Halite - Create AI to face off against other people’s AI. More specialized in AI.
  • StanFord ACM ICPC - Stanford Notebook provides printable templates usable during online/on-site contests.
  • Exercism - Solve programming challenges from your terminal.
  • DailyCodingProblem - Get exceptionally good at coding interviews by solving one problem every day.
  • - Russian programming contests.
  • Timus Online Judge - Programming contests with online judging system.
  • Spoj - Programming contests with online judging system.
  • Interview Bit - A platform to learn and practice coding interview questions.
  • VisuAlgo - Visualizing data structures and algorithms through animation.
  • Leetcode - Develop programming skills for your next interview.
  • FireCode -An online coding interview preparation.
  • CodeinGame - Learn to code by playing games.
  • DailyProgrammer - Solutions to programming challenges, peer-reviewed with community feedback.
  • CodeSignal - Practice programming and land a job
  • Uva - Programming contests with online judging system.


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