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#ReviseWithArsh #6Companies30Days #ArshGoyal

#ReviseWithArsh #6Companies30Days Challenge!

ReviseWithArsh ReviseWithArsh

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Arsh Goldman Sachs Sheet :

Day 1-5 :

Company Name : Goldman Sachs

✅ 1. Given an array of strings, return all groups of strings that are anagrams.Link
✅ 2. Overlapping rectangles Link
✅ 3. Count the subarrays having product less than k Link
✅ 4. Given a string, Your task is to complete the function encode that returns the run length encoded string for the given string. eg if the input string is “wwwwaaadexxxxxx”, then the function should return “w4a3d1e1x6″.(Modified version of question named Cute Monkeys) Link
✅ 5. Program to find Nth Ugly Number. Link
✅ 6. Given two strings str1 and str2. We say that str2 divides str1 if it's possible to concatenate multiple str2 to get str1. For example, ab divides abab. if str2 does not divide str1, return -1. Otherwise, return the smallest string str3 such that str3 divides both str1 and str2. Link
✅ 7. Find the kid which gets tha damaged toy Link
✅ 8. Total Decoding Messages Link
✅ 9. Given a pattern containing only I's and D's. I for increasing and D for decreasing.Devise an algorithm to print the minimum number following that pattern. Link

  • 10. Find max 10 numbers in a list having 10M entries. Link

✅ 11. Given an unsorted array Arr of size N of positive integers. One number 'A' from set {1, 2, …N} is missing and one number 'B' occurs twice in array. Find these two numbers. Link
✅ 12. Find total number of Squares in a N*N chessboard Link
✅ 13. Decode the string Link
✅ 14. Minimum Size Subarray Sum Link
✅ 15. Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem Link

Arsh Amazon Sheet :

Day 6-10 :

Company Name : Amazon

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✅ 1.Calculating Maximum Profit (Multiple Ladders Question)Link
✅ 2.Longest Mountain Link
✅ 3.IPL 2021 - Match Day 2 (similar to maximum in subarray)Link
✅ 4.Brackets in Matrix Chain Multiplication Link
✅ 5.Phone directory (Question similar to this based on Amazon Pay as a service)Link
✅ 6.Maximum of all subarrays of size kLink
✅ 7.First non-repeating character in a streamLink
✅ 8.Count ways to N'th Stair(Order does not matter)Link
✅ 9.Which among them forms a perfect Sudoku Pattern ?Link
✅ 10.Nuts and Bolts ProblemLink
✅11.Tree Serialization and DeserializationLink
✅ 12.Column name from a given column numberLink
✅ 13.Rotten Oranges -Multiple RepetitionsLink
✅ 14.Tree Burning Link
✅ 15. Delete N nodes after M nodes of a linked list Link

Arsh Microsoft Sheet :

Day 11-15 :

Company Name : Microsoft

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✅ 1.Divide an array into two sets S1 and S2 such that the absolute difference between their sums is minimum and find the minimum difference Link
✅ 2.Prerequisite Tasks (Similar to Question of Modern Park)Link
✅ 3.Rotate by 90 degreeLink
✅ 4. Given a matrix of size r*c. Traverse the matrix in spiral form. Link
✅ 5. Stock span problemLink
✅ 6.Possible Words From Phone DigitsLink
✅ 7.Unit Area of largest region of 1's Link
✅ 8.Connect Nodes at Same LevelLink
✅ 9.Count Number of SubTrees having given Sum Link
✅ 10.Stickler Thief (Similar to Alibaba and Thiefes Question) Link
✅ 11.Generate and print all binary numbers with decimal values from 1 to N. Link
✅ 12.Find all the unique quadruple from the given array that sums up to the given number.Link
✅ 13.Given a Graph of V vertices and E edges and another edge(c - d), the task is to find if the given edge is a Bridge. i.e., removing the edge disconnects the graph.Link
✅ 14.Given a destination D , find the minimum number of steps required to reach that destination.Link
✅ 15.Find the order of characters in the alien language.Link

Arsh Adobe Sheet :

Day 15-20 :

Company Name : Adobe

Offical Doc:- Explore the docs »
Offical Video:- Explore the Video »

  • 1.Find a continuous sub-array which adds to a given number S.Link
  • 2.Find the length of the Longest Arithmetic Progression (LLAP) in it.Link
  • 3.Number of distinct Words with k maximum contiguous vowels(Joe and his Dictionary Problem)Link
  • 4.Partition Equal Subset SumLink
  • 5.Total number of ways n can be expressed as sum of xth power of unique natural numbersLink
  • 6.Generate all combinations of well-formed(balanced) parentheses.Link
  • 7.Pots of Gold Game (Similar to Covid and Beds problem)Link
  • 8.ATOI Link
  • 9. Smallest palindromic number greater than N using the same set of digits as in N.Link
  • 10.ElectionsLink
  • 11.String AmendmentLink
  • 12.Leaders in ArrayLink
  • 13.Minimum operations to convert array A to B Link
  • 14.Smallest range in K lists Link
  • 15.Given two library versions of an executable: for example, “” and “” or “10” and “10.1”. Find out which one is more recent? Strings can be empty also.Link


30 Days Coding Challenge with Arsh Goyal.






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