This is a sample test suite for the Trivia API at It contains a regression test suite as well as a more exhaustive test for a particular functionality of the API. There is also a Jmeter plugin that can be used for performance testing.
The project uses several dependencies, including:
- TestNG for testing framework.
- Rest-assured for REST API Testing.
- Log4j for logging.
- Apache Commons CSV for working with CSV files.
- Java 21 (can be changed in pom.xml)
The project uses Maven, so you can build and run the tests using the Maven command line tool. The pom.xml file includes a configuration for the Maven Surefire Plugin to run the tests. To build the project and run the tests, use the following command:
mvn clean test
To run only the regression tests, use the following command:
mvn clean test -Dgroups=regression
To run only the exhaustive test, use the following command:
mvn clean test -Dgroups=exhaustive
To run only the performance tests, use the following command:
mvn verify -Pjmeter-tests
Note: to prevent throttling, there is a 5-second delay between each request.
Results for exhaustive / regression tests are written to the target/surefire-reports directory. Results for performance tests are written to the target/jmeter/results directory.