Simple Laravel pending migrations advisor, display a warning popup when are pending migrations to run.
For Laravel 4, please use the L4 branch!
Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require-dev cmarfil/pending-migration-advisor.
"require-dev": { "cmarfil/pending-migration-advisor": ">=1.1" }
'providers' => array(
// ...
Open app/config/pending-migration-advisor.php
to adjust package configuration.
If this file doesn't exist, run:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cmarfil\PendingMigrationAdvisor\PendingMigrationAdvisorServiceProvider"
return array(
* The migrations path
'migrations_path' => base_path().'/database/migrations',
* Turn off the advisor
'enabled' => true,
Specify the migrations path ( normally database/migrations )
Enable or disable the advisor
Feel free to create a fork and submit a pull request if you would like to contribute.
Raise an issue on GitHub if you notice something broken.
Html popup injection based on: