Delete temporal files with Laravel Command
Create command from console:
php artisan command:make cleanTmp
This will create the file app/commands/cleanTmp.php
On fire function paste:
public function fire()
$this->info('Deleting all temp files');
//Clean before X hours
$saveHours = 2;
//Get timestamp - $saveHours
$hour_limit = new DateTime('now');
$hour_limit->modify('-'.$saveHours.' hour');
$timestamp_limit = $hour_limit->getTimestamp();
$this->info('hour: '.$timestamp_limit);
//Get all files - recursive
$files = File::allFiles( Config::get('settings.system.tmp_path') );
//Foreach all files from temp folder
foreach ($files as $file){
try {
//If modified is < $saveHours
if(File::lastModified($file) < $timestamp_limit){
$this->info('4 Delete' . $this->info((string)$file));
} catch (Exception $e){
//Log error
$msg = 'Delete error' . (string)$file;
//Notify to developer contact
Mail::send(array('text' => 'emails.log'), array('msg'=>$msg), function($message){
$message->to( Config::get('settings.contacts.developer') )->subject( URL::to('/') . ' - Log error - cleanTmp command');
On app/start/artisan.php add:
Artisan::add(new cleanTmp);
Note that two configuration items are used:
//Email log
//Tmp path
- The deletion of files is recursive.
sudo crontab -e
And add the following line to run the task once daily at 00h
00 00 * * * php /var/www/project/artisan command:cleanTmp