Manage crontab directly from your Django database
They are plenty of implementation of crontabs in Python and Django, but our issue was their elasticity. Generally a set of classes will allow you to create a crontab, here in django-dbcron, things are stored in database instead of Python classes.
Classic pip install:
pip install django-dbcron
Add it to you INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'dbcron', ... )
Launch migrations:
./ migrate dbcron
This app owns its own cron daemon, launch it with:
./ crond
The daemon will act as a classic cron and will run each task in a new thread, leaving the main one continuing.
The cron table is set in database and the Django admin site is a quick solution to manage you jobs.
Just play with the model:
from dbcron.models import Job # Run now() each minute job = Job.object.create( name='My job', func='', is_active=True, sec="0", min="*/1, hou="*", dom="*", mon="*", dow="*", yea="*" ) # Test it
The cron daemon launches jobs as they are requested with:
- function's path
- arguments and keyword arguments
There's no security about who/when/how, just functions launched abritairly, Be careful who can set crontab, and do not hesitate to limit possible values.