Beginning with Cloudify 3.1, bootstrapping a Cloudify Management Environment is done via a manager blueprint
please refer to Manager Blueprints for more info.
Cloudify 3.0 openstack CLI package This Python project contains the code and configurations needed to bootstrap the Cloudify management netwrok & manager VM on Openstack
The python-dev package is required (as it is used to compile the Crypto library used by Paramiko):
apt-get install python-dev # or the equivalent *nix version of this command
##Mandatory Configurations In order to boostrap Cloudify manager on OpenStack you must edit the cloudify-config.yaml file and update the following propeties:
username: The Openstack username you want to use vs. keystone authentication service
password: The Openstack password you want to use vs. keystone authentication service
tenant_name: The Openstack tenant name to which you want to use now.
##Cloudify OpenStack Configuration
The following configuration options are available in the cloudify-config.defaults.yaml file. You can edit this file if you need to change any of these defaults:
NOTE: the use_existing parameter follows this logic:
if a resource exists and use_existing is true, it will use the resource.
if a resource exists and use_existing is false, it will use the resource.
if a resource does not exist and use_existing is true, it will raise an exception.
if a resource does not exist and use_existing is false, it will create the resource.
Keystone configuration
- auth_url: The URL to Keystone authentication service
Networking configuration
Security Configuration
Compute Configuration
##Sample Blueprint You may download a sample "hello world" blueprint to test and expirement with here.