This Maven library props up the functionality of CIMET2. It is intended to be used as a temporal parser of microservice systems. It is capable of extracting intermediate representations (IR) of the system and delta representations of the changes to the system.
- Maven 3.6+
- Java 11+ (11 Recommended)
``mvn clean install -DskipTests``
- Run or compile the main method of
in the IDE of your choice or via the command line. - Command line args list containing
Sample input config file:
"systemName": "Train-ticket",
"repositoryURL": "",
"endCommit": "06f3e1efe2e2539d05d91b0699cc8d9fe7be29d7",
"baseBranch": "main"
Sample output produced:
"name": "Train-ticket",
"commitID": "1.0",
"microservices": [
"name": "ts-rebook-service",
"path": ".\\clone\\train-ticket-microservices-test\\ts-rebook-service",
"controllers": [
"packageName": "com.cloudhubs.trainticket.rebook.controller",
"name": "",
"path": ".\\clone\\train-ticket-microservices-test\\ts-rebook-service\\src\\main\\java\\com\\cloudhubs\\trainticket\\rebook\\controller\\",
"classRole": "CONTROLLER",
"annotations": [
"name": "RequestMapping",
"contents": "\"/api/v1/waitorderservice\""
"fields": [
"name": "waitListOrderService",
"type": "WaitListOrderService"
"methods": [
"name": "getAllOrders",
"annotations": [
"name": "GetMapping",
"contents": "[path \u003d \"/orders\"]"
"parameters": [
"name": "HttpHeaders",
"type": "headers"
"returnType": "HttpEntity",
"url": "/api/v1/waitorderservice/orders",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"microserviceName": "ts-rebook-service"
"methodCalls": [
"name": "info",
"objectName": "LOGGER",
"calledFrom": "getWaitListOrders",
"parameterContents": "\"[getWaitListOrders][Get All Wait List Orders]\""
"Services": [...],
"Repositories": [...],
"Entities": [...],
"orphans": [...]
- Run or compile the main method of
in the IDE of your choice or via the command line. - Command line args list containing
/path/to/config/<Config-File>.json <oldCommit> <newCommit>
Sample output produced:
"oldCommit": "06f3e1efe2e2539d05d91b0699cc8d9fe7be29d7",
"newCommit": "82949fa07dcf82f66641f5807d629d15bab663a6",
"changes": [
"oldPath": ".\\clone\\train-ticket-microservices-test\\ts-price-service\\src\\main\\java\\com\\cloudhubs\\trainticket\\price\\controller\\",
"newPath": ".\\clone\\train-ticket-microservices-test\\ts-price-service\\src\\main\\java\\com\\cloudhubs\\trainticket\\price\\controller\\",
"changeType": "MODIFY",
"classChange": {}
- Run or compile the main method of
in the IDE of your choice or via the command line. - Provide command line args containing
path/to/IR/<IR-File>.json path/to/Delta/<IR-File>.json /path/to/config/<Config-File>.json