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Cloud Foundry CLI is the official command line client for Cloud Foundry.
Latest help of each command is here (or run cf help
Further documentation is at the docs page for the
Important Note: CF CLI supports as far back as CF Release v284/CF Deployment v1.7.0 (CAPI Release: 1.46.0 (APIs 2.100.0 and 3.35.0). See our wiki for more information. If you are on an older version of CF Release, we recommend you upgrade to a supported version.
If you have any questions, ask away on the #cli channel in our Slack community and the cf-dev mailing list, or open a GitHub issue. You can follow our development progress on Pivotal Tracker.
Download and install the cf CLI from the Downloads Section.
Once installed, you can log in and push an app.
Check out our community contributed CLI plugins to further enhance your CLI experience.
Mac OS X and Linux using Homebrew via the cloudfoundry tap:
brew install cloudfoundry/tap/cf-cli
Note: cf
tab completion requires bash-completion
to be installed properly in order to work.
Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distributions:
# ...first add the Cloud Foundry Foundation public key and package repository to your system
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudfoundry-cli.list
# ...then, update your local package index, then finally install the cf CLI
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cf-cli
Enterprise Linux and Fedora systems (RHEL6/CentOS6 and up):
# ...first configure the Cloud Foundry Foundation package repository
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudfoundry-cli.repo
# ...then, install the cf CLI (which will also download and add the public key to your system)
sudo yum install cf-cli
Mac OS X 64 bit | Windows 64 bit | Linux 64 bit | |
Installers | pkg | zip | rpm / deb |
Binaries | tgz | zip | tgz |
Release notes, and 32 bit releases can be found here.
Download examples with curl for Mac OS X and Linux binaries
# & extract Mac OS X binary
curl -L "" | tar -zx
# ...or Linux 64-bit binary
curl -L "" | tar -zx
# ...move it to /usr/local/bin or a location you know is in your $PATH
mv cf /usr/local/bin
# ...copy tab completion file on Ubuntu (takes affect after re-opening your shell)
sudo curl -o /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/cf
# ...and to confirm your cf CLI version
cf --version
Edge binaries are not intended for wider use; they're for developers to test new features and fixes as they are 'pushed' and passed through the CI. Follow these download links for Mac OS X 64 bit, Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit.
- In Cygwin and Git Bash on Windows, interactive password prompts (in
cf login
) do not work (issue #171). Please use alternative commands (cf api
andcf auth
tocf login
) to work around this. - On Windows,
cf ssh
may not display correctly if theTERM
is not set. We've found that settingTERM
fixes some of these issues. - On Windows,
cf ssh
will hang when run from the MINGW32 or MINGW64 shell. A workaround is to use PowerShell instead. - CF CLI/GoLang do not use OpenSSL. Custom/Self Signed Certificates need to be installed in specific locations in order to
. - API tracing to terminal (using
option orcf config --trace
) doesn't work well with some CLI plugin commands. Trace to file works fine. On Linux,CF_TRACE=/dev/stdout
works too. See this Diego-Enabler plugin issue for more information. - .cfignore used in
cf push
must be in UTF-8 encoding for CLI to interpret correctly. - On Linux, when encountering message "bash: .cf: No such file or directory", ensure that you're using the correct binary or installer for your architecture.
- Using non-refactored commands with verbose mode turned on will display the refresh token in the terminal.
First, update to the latest cli and try the command again.
If the error remains or feature still missing, check the open issues and if not already raised please file a new issue with the requested details.
The CF CLI supports external code execution via the plugins API. For more information follow:
When importing the plugin code use import ""
Older plugins that import
will still work
as long they vendor the plugins directory.
Please read the contributors' guide
If you'd like to submit updated translations, please see the i18n README for instructions on how to submit an update.