This repository is for Miniflare 2, which is
only receiving critical security updates. Miniflare 2 simulated the
Workers runtime and the rest of the Cloudflare developer platform using
Node.js. New versions of Miniflare can be found in the
repository, and use the
Workers runtime workerd
. This
practically eliminates behaviour mismatches between development and production
deployments. We recommend you
migrate to Miniflare 3 now if
you can. Whilst Miniflare 3 supports most of Miniflare 2's features, one key
omission is the unit testing environment. We're actively working on adding
support for this to Miniflare 3. Once this is supported, we're planning to
deprecate Miniflare 2 and archive this repository.
Miniflare is a simulator for developing and testing Cloudflare Workers.
- π Fun: develop workers easily with detailed logging, file watching and pretty error pages supporting source maps.
- π Full-featured: supports most Workers features, including KV, Durable Objects, WebSockets, modules and more.
- β‘ Fully-local: test and develop Workers without an internet connection. Reload code on change quickly.
It's an alternative to wrangler dev
, written in TypeScript, that runs your
workers in a sandbox implementing Workers' runtime APIs.
See https://legacy.miniflare.dev for more detailed documentation.
- π¨ Fetch Events (with HTTP(S) server and manual dispatch)
- β° Scheduled Events (with cron triggering and manual dispatch)
- π Variables and Secrets with
Files - π Modules Support
- π¦ KV (with optional persistence)
- πͺ£ R2 (with optional persistence)
- β¨ Cache (with optional persistence)
- π Durable Objects (with optional persistence)
- π Workers Sites
- βοΈ WebSockets
- π Custom & Wrangler Builds Support
- βοΈ WebAssembly Support
- πΊ Source Map Support
- πΈ Web Standards: Base64, Timers, Fetch, Encoding, URL, Streams, Crypto
- π HTMLRewriter
- β‘οΈ Live Reload on File Changes
- π Compatibility Dates/Flags Support
- π Multiple Workers Support
- π€Ή Custom Jest Environment (with isolated per-test storage)
- πͺ Written in TypeScript
Miniflare is installed using npm:
$ npm install -g miniflare@2 # either globally..
$ npm install -D miniflare@2 # ...or as a dev dependency
$ miniflare worker.js --watch --debug
[mf:dbg] Options:
[mf:dbg] - Scripts: worker.js
[mf:dbg] Reloading worker.js...
[mf:inf] Worker reloaded! (97B)
[mf:dbg] Watching .env, package.json, worker.js, wrangler.toml...
[mf:inf] Listening on :8787
[mf:inf] -
import { Miniflare } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
script: `
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
event.respondWith(new Response("Hello Miniflare!"));
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/");
console.log(await res.text()); // Hello Miniflare!
Usage: miniflare [script] [options]
Core Options:
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-c, --wrangler-config Path to wrangler.toml [string]
--wrangler-env Environment in wrangler.toml to use [string]
--package Path to package.json [string]
-m, --modules Enable modules [boolean]
--modules-rule Modules import rule [array:TYPE=GLOB]
--compat-date Opt into backwards-incompatible changes from [string]
--compat-flag Control specific backwards-incompatible changes [array]
--usage-model Usage model (bundled by default) [string]
-u, --upstream URL of upstream origin [string]
-w, --watch Watch files for changes [boolean]
-d, --debug Enable debug logging [boolean]
-V, --verbose Enable verbose logging [boolean]
--(no-)update-check Enable update checker (enabled by default) [boolean]
--repl Enable interactive REPL [boolean]
--root Path to resolve files relative to [string]
--mount Mount additional named workers [array:NAME=PATH[@ENV]]
--name Name of service [string]
--route Route to respond with this worker on [array]
--global-async-io Allow async I/O outside handlers [boolean]
--global-timers Allow setting timers outside handlers [boolean]
--global-random Allow secure random generation outside handlers [boolean]
--actual-time Always return correct time from Date methods [boolean]
--inaccurate-cpu Log inaccurate CPU time measurements [boolean]
HTTP Options:
-H, --host Host for HTTP(S) server to listen on [string]
-p, --port Port for HTTP(S) server to listen on [number]
-O, --open Automatically open browser to URL [boolean/string]
--https Enable self-signed HTTPS (with optional cert path) [boolean/string]
--https-key Path to PEM SSL key [string]
--https-cert Path to PEM SSL cert chain [string]
--https-ca Path to SSL trusted CA certs [string]
--https-pfx Path to PFX/PKCS12 SSL key/cert chain [string]
--https-passphrase Passphrase to decrypt SSL files [string]
--(no-)cf-fetch Path for cached Request cf object from Cloudflare [boolean/string]
--live-reload Reload HTML pages whenever worker is reloaded [boolean]
Scheduler Options:
-t, --cron CRON expression for triggering scheduled events [array]
Build Options:
-B, --build-command Command to build project [string]
--build-base-path Working directory for build command [string]
--build-watch-path Directory to watch for rebuilding on changes [array]
KV Options:
-k, --kv KV namespace to bind [array]
--kv-persist Persist KV data (to optional path) [boolean/string]
R2 Options:
-r, --r2 R2 bucket to bind [array]
--r2-persist Persist R2 data (to optional path) [boolean/string]
Durable Objects Options:
-o, --do Durable Object to bind [array:NAME=CLASS[@MOUNT]]
--do-persist Persist Durable Object data (to optional path) [boolean/string]
--(no-)do-alarms Enable Durable Object alarms (enabled by default) [boolean]
Cache Options:
--(no-)cache Enable default/named caches (enabled by default) [boolean]
--cache-persist Persist cached data (to optional path) [boolean/string]
Sites Options:
-s, --site Path to serve Workers Site files from [string]
--site-include Glob pattern of site files to serve [array]
--site-exclude Glob pattern of site files not to serve [array]
Bindings Options:
-e, --env Path to .env file [string]
-b, --binding Binds variable/secret to environment [array:KEY=VALUE]
--global Binds variable/secret to global scope [array:KEY=VALUE]
--wasm WASM module to bind [array:NAME=PATH]
--text-blob Text blob to bind [array:NAME=PATH]
--data-blob Data blob to bind [array:NAME=PATH]
-S, --service Mounted service to bind [array:NAME=MOUNT[@ENV]]
Miniflare was created by Brendan Coll.
Many thanks to dollarshaveclub/cloudworker and gja/cloudflare-worker-local for inspiration.
Durable Object's transactions are implemented using Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) as described in "On optimistic methods for concurrency control." ACM Transactions on Database Systems. Thanks to Alistair O'Brien for helping the Miniflare creator understand this.