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Grafana app for generate PDFs based on dashboards


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Grafana Dashboard Reporter

This Grafana plugin app can create PDF reports of a given dashboard using headless chromium and grafana-image-renderer.

Sample report

This plugin is based on the original work grafana-reporter and grafana-dashboard-reporter-app

The core of the plugin is heavily inspired from the above stated work with some improvements and modernization.

  • The current plugin uses HTML templates and headless chromium to generate reports instead of LaTeX. grafana-image-renderer is a prerequisite for both current and original plugins.

  • The current plugin app exposes the reporter as a custom API end point of Grafana instance without needing to run the grafana-reporter as a separate web service. The advantage of the plugin approach is the authenticated access to the reporter app is guaranteed by Grafana auth.

  • The plugin is capable of including all the repeated rows and/or panels in the generated report.

  • The plugin can be configured by Admins and users either from Configuration Page or query parameters to the report API.

A Grafana plugin to create PDF reports from dashboard panels. This app has been heavily inspired from the original work grafana-reporter. The core backend follows very closely to the original work. Instead of using LaTeX to generate reports, the current plugin generates it from HTML templates using headless chromium similar the reporting app in Grafana Enterprise offering. The plugin app also integrates the frontend components to be able to configure the reporter from the Configuration page.

By default the user needs to be authenticated with Grafana to access the service and must have role Viewer on the dashboard that user wants to create a PDF report.


This plugin app depends on following:

  • Grafana >= 11

  • Another Grafana plugin grafana-image-renderer to render panels into PNG files.

  • If grafana-image-renderer is installed as Grafana plugin, no other external dependencies are required for the plugin to work. grafana-image-renderer ships the plugin with a standalone instance of chromium and the same chromium will be used to render PDF reports. If grafana-image-renderer is deployed as a service on a different host, chromium must be installed on the host where Grafana is installed.


grafana-image-renderer advises to install chromium to ensure that all the dependent libraries of the chromium are available on the host.


Installation via grafana-cli

Grafana Enterprise offers a very similar plugin reports and hence, their plugin policies do not allow to publish the current plugin in their official catalog.

It is important to note that the current plugin does not offer all the functionalities offered by Enterprise plugin and it is only relevant if users would like to create a PDF report of a given dashboard. If users needs more advanced functionalities like generating and sending reports automatically, they should look into official plugin.

However, it is still possible to install this plugin on on-premise Grafana installations as an unsigned plugin. The installation procedure is briefed in Local installation section below.

Local installation

Download the latest Grafana Dashboard Reporter.

Create a directory for grafana to access your custom-plugins e.g. /var/lib/grafana/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app.

The following shell script downloads and extracts the latest plugin source code into the the current working directory. Run the following inside your grafana plugin directory:

cd /var/lib/grafana/plugins
curl | bash

This will install the latest release of plugin in the /var/lib/grafana/plugins folder and upon Grafana restart, the plugin will be loaded.

If user wants to install the latest nightly release, it is enough to add a environment variable NIGHTLY to bash

cd /var/lib/grafana/plugins
curl | NIGHTLY=1 bash


The final step is to whitelist the plugin as it is an unsigned plugin and Grafana, by default, does not load any unsigned plugins even if they are installed. In order to whitelist the plugin, we need to add following to the Grafana configuration file

allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = cloudeteer-pdfreport-app

Once this configuration is added, restart the Grafana server and it should load the plugin. The loading of plugin can be verified by the following log lines

logger=plugin.signature.validator t=2024-03-21T11:16:54.738077851Z level=warn msg="Permitting unsigned plugin. This is not recommended" pluginID=cloudeteer-pdfreport-app
logger=plugin.loader t=2024-03-21T11:16:54.738166325Z level=info msg="Plugin registered" pluginID=cloudeteer-pdfreport-app

Install with Docker-compose

There is a docker compose file provided in the repo. Create a directory dist in the root of the repo and extract the latest version of the plugin app into this folder dist. Once this is done, starting a Grafana server with plugin installed can be done as follows:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up

Configuring the plugin

After successful installation of the plugin, it will be, by default, disabled. We can enable it in different ways.

  • From Grafana UI, navigating to Apps > Dashboard Reporter App > Configuration will show this page and plugin can be enabled there. The configuration page can also be accessed by URL <Grafana URL>/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app.


The warning about Invalid plugin signature is not fatal and it is simply saying that plugin has not been signed by Grafana Labs.

  • By using Grafana Provisioning. An example provision config is provided in the repo and it can be installed at /etc/grafana/provisioning/plugins/reporter.yml. After installing this YAML file, by restarting Grafana server, the plugin will be enabled with config settings used in the reporter.yml file.

Grafana Provisioning is a programmatic way of configuring the plugin app. Some of the configuration settings can be set from the environment variables too. Note that any configured environment variable takes precedence over configuration file settings. Thus, the plugin app can be configured at install time using either provisioning through YAML file or using environment variables or mix of both. It is possible to modify these settings at the runtime using Grafana UI.

To resume, the configuration settings can be set in the following ways:

  • Using provisioning through a YAML file at install time
  • Using environment variables set on Grafana server at install time
  • Using Grafana UI at runtime

The configuration options set in the above stated methods are applied Org wide in Grafana acting as baseline configuration for the plugin. Hence, these settings can only be changed by a user with a Admin role using Grafana UI.

Different configuration settings are explained below. As each configuration option can be set with different sources, the name of the option in each source is identified as well. file stands for provisioning through YAML file, env stands for environment variable and ui stands for name in Grafana UI. When a source is emitted, it means that it is not possible to set that configuration option using that specific source.

Authentication settings

This config section allows to configure authentication related settings.

  • file:saToken; ui:Service Account Token: A service account token that will be used to generate reports via API requests. More details on how to use it is briefed in Using Grafana API section.

Report settings

This config section allows to configure report related settings.

  • file:theme; env:GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_REPORT_THEME; ui: Theme: Theme of the panels in the report.

  • file:layout; env:GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_REPORT_LAYOUT; ui:Layout: Layout of the report. Using grid layout renders the report as it is rendered in the browser. A simple layout will render the report with one panel per row. Available options: simple and grid.

  • file:orientation; env:GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_REPORT_ORIENTATION; ui:Orientation: Orientation of the report. Available options: portrait and landscape.

  • file:dashboardMode; env:GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_REPORT_DASHBOARD_MODE; ui:Dashboard Mode: Whether to render default dashboard or full dashboard. In default mode, collapsed rows are ignored and only visible panels are included in the report. Whereas in full mode, rows are un collapsed and all the panels are included in the report. Available options: default and full.

  • file:timeZone; env:GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_REPORT_TIMEZONE; ui:Time Zone: The time zone that will be used in the report. It has to conform to the IANA format. By default, local Grafana server's time zone will be used.

  • file:logo; env: GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_REPORT_LOGO; ui:Branding Logo: This parameter takes a base64 encoded image that will be included in the footer of each page in the report. Typically, operators can include their organization logos to have "customized" reports. Images of format PNG and JPG are accepted. There is no need to add the base64 header. Based on the content, Mime type will be detected and appropriate header will be added.

Additional settings

The following configuration settings allow more control over plugin's functionality.

  • file:appUrl; env: GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_APP_URL; ui: Grafana Hostname: The URL at which Grafana is running. By default, http://localhost:3000 is used which should work for most of the deployments.

  • file:skipTlsCheck; env: GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_SKIP_TLS_CHECK; ui: Skip TLS Verification: If Grafana instance is configured to use TLS with self signed certificates set this parameter to true to skip TLS certificate check.

  • file:remoteChromeUrl; env: GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_REMOTE_CHROME_URL; ui: Remote Chrome URL: A URL of a running remote chrome instance which will be used in report generation. Grafana running on k8s can opt to use this option when installing chromium inside Grafana container is not desired. An example docker-compose file shows how to run chromium in an init container. When remote chrome instance is being used, ensure that appUrl is accessible to remote chrome.

  • file:maxBrowserWorkers; env: GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_MAX_BROWSER_WORKERS; ui: Maximum Browser Workers: Maximum number of workers for interacting with chrome browser.

  • file:maxRenderWorkers; env: GF_REPORTER_PLUGIN_MAX_RENDER_WORKERS; ui: Maximum Render Workers: Maximum number of workers for generating panel PNGs.


Starting from v1.4.0, config parameter dataPath is not needed anymore as the plugin will get the Grafana's data path based on its own executable path. If the existing provisioned configs have this parameter set, it will be ignored while loading the plugin's configuration.

Overriding global report settings

Although configuration settings can only be modified by users with Admin role for whole Org of Grafana, it is possible to override the global defaults for a particular report by using query parameters. It is enough to add query parameters to dashboard report URL to set these values. Currently, the supported query parameters are:

  • Query field for theme is theme and it takes either light or dark as value. Example is <grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>&theme=dark

  • Query field for layout is layout and it takes either simple or grid as value. Example is <grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>&layout=grid

  • Query field for orientation is orientation and it takes either portrait or landscape as value. Example is <grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>&orientation=landscape

  • Query field for dashboard mode is dashboardMode and it takes either default or full as value. Example is <grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>&dashboardMode=full

  • Query field for dashboard mode is timeZone and it takes a value in IANA format as value. Note that it should be encoded to escape URL specific characters. For example to use America/New_York query parameter should be <grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>&timeZone=America%2FNew_York

Besides there are two special query parameters available namely:

  • includePanelID: This can be used to include only panels with IDs set in the query in the generated report. An example can be <grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>&includePanelID=1&includePanelID=5&includePanelID=8. This request will only include the panels 1, 5 and 8 in the report and ignoring the rest. When grid layout is used with includePanelID, the report layout will leave the gaps in the place of panels that are not included in the report.

  • excludePanelID: This can be used to exclude any unwanted panels in the generated report. An example can be <grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>&excludePanelID=2&excludePanelID=7. This request will only exclude panels 2, and 7 in the report and including the rest. When grid layout is used with excludePanelID, the report layout will leave the gaps in the place of panels that are excluded in the report.


If a given panel ID is set in both includePanelID and excludePanelID query parameter, it will be included in the report. Query parameter includePanelID has more precedence over excludePanelID.

Grafana API Token

The plugin needs to make API requests to Grafana to fetch resources like dashboard models, panels, etc. Depending on the Grafana version the operators need to perform some extra configuration to get an API token from Grafana.

  • Grafana <= 10.4.3: Until Grafana 10.4.3, Grafana was forwarding the user cookies to plugin apps and the plugin will use the same user cookie to make API requests to Grafana. Thus, if Grafana <= 10.4.3 is being used, there is no need to provide any API token to the the plugin.

  • Grafana > 10.4.3: For these Grafana deployments, the plugin needs an API token from Grafana to make API requests to Grafana. This can be done automatically by enabling feature flag externalServiceAccounts, which will create a service account and provision a service account token automatically for the plugin. To enable this feature, it is necessary to set enable = externalServiceAccounts in feature_toggles section of Grafana configuration.


If the operators do not wish or cannot use externalServiceAccounts feature flag on their Grafana deployment, it is possible to manually create an API token and set it in the plugin configuration options.

Using plugin

Using Grafana web UI

The prerequisite is the user must have at least Viewer role on the dashboard that they want to create a PDF report. After the user authenticates with Grafana, creating a dashboard report is done by visiting the following end point

<grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>

In addition to dashUid query parameter, it is possible to pass time range query parameters from, to and also dashboard variables that have var- prefix. This permits to integrate the dashboard reporter app into Dashboard links.

The layout and orientation options can be passed by query parameters which will override the global values set by admins in the plugin configuration. layout will take either simple or grid as query parameter and orientation will take portrait or landscape as parameters.

Following steps will configure a dashboard link to create PDF report for that dashboard

  • Go to Settings of Dashboard
  • Go to Links in the side bar and click on Add Dashboard Link
  • Use Report for Title field, set Type to Link
  • Now set URL to <grafanaAppUrl>/api/plugins/cloudeteer-pdfreport-app/resources/report?dashUid=<UID of dashboard>
  • Set Tooltip to Create a PDF report and set Icon to doc
  • By checking Include current time range and Include current template variables values, time range and dashboard variables will be added to query parameters while creating PDF report.

Now there should be link in the right top corner of dashboard named Report and clicking this link will create a new PDF report of the dashboard.

Using Grafana API

The plugin can generate reports programmatically using Grafana API by using Grafana service accounts.

Once a service account is created with appropriate permissions by following Grafana docs, generate an API token from the service account. If externalServiceAccounts feature flag is not enabled, either the same or another API token must be added to the plugin configuration as well. Once the token has been generated and configured in the plugin, reports can be created using

curl --output=report.pdf -H "Authorization: Bearer <supersecrettoken>" "<UID of dashboard>"

The above example shows on how to generate report using curl but this can be done with any HTTP client of your favorite programming language.


Grafana <= 10.4.3

When reports are generated from browser, there is minimal to no security risks as the plugin forward the current Grafana cookie in the request to make API requests to other Grafana resources. This ensures that user will not be able to generate reports for the dashboards that contains data sources that they do not have permissions to query. The plugin always prioritizes the cookie for authentication when found. Disabling basic auth for Grafana will force the users to generate reports from browser, thus forcing them to use cookie for authentication.

Grafana > 10.4.3

Starting from Grafana 10.4.4, user cookies are not forwarded to the plugin apps anymore. When the user cookie is not found and the plugin needs a manually configured service account token or externalServiceAccounts feature must be enabled (for Grafana >= 10.3.0). If the configured service account token has broader permissions than the user making the request, the user may generate reports of dashboards on the data sources that they do not have permissions to.


Here are the example reports that are generated out of the test dashboards


  • When TLS is enabled on Grafana server, grafana-image-renderer tends to throw certificate errors even when the TLS certificates are signed by well-known CA. Typical error messages will be as follows:

    logger=plugin.grafana-image-renderer t=2024-05-09T10:46:00.117454724+02:00 level=error msg="Browser request failed" url="https://localhost/d-solo/f5a26bea-adf2-4f2c-8522-79159ba26c0f/_?from=now-24h&height=500&panelId=6&theme=light&to=now&width=1000&render=1" method=GET failure=net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
    logger=plugin.grafana-image-renderer t=2024-05-09T10:46:00.118784778+02:00 level=error msg="Error while trying to prepare page for screenshot" url="https://localhost:443/d-solo/f5a26bea-adf2-4f2c-8522-79159ba26c0f/_?from=now-24h&height=500&panelId=6&theme=light&to=now&width=1000&render=1" err="Error: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID"

    To solve this issue set environment variables GF_RENDERER_PLUGIN_IGNORE_HTTPS_ERRORS=true and IGNORE_HTTPS_ERRORS=true for the grafana-image-renderer service.

  • If chromium fails to run, it suggests that there are missing dependent libraries on the host. In that case, we advise to install chromium on the machine which will install all the dependent libraries.

