Trait for Laravel Eloquent models to allow easy implementation of a "like" or "favorite" or "remember" feature.
"require": {
"cloud9business/eloquent-likeable": "0.1.*"
php artisan migrate --package=cloud9business/eloquent-likeable
class Article extends \Eloquent {
use Cloud9Business\EloquentlLikeable\LikeableTrait;
$article->like(); // like the article for current user
$article->like($myUserId); // pass in your own user id
$article->like(0); // just add likes to the count, and don't track by user
$article->unlike(); // remove like from the article
$article->unlike($myUserId); // pass in your own user id
$article->unlike(0); // remove likes from the count -- does not check for user
$article->likes; // get count of likes
$article->liked(); // check if currently logged in user liked the article
Article::whereLiked($myUserId) // find only articles where user liked them
->with('likeCounter') // highly suggested to allow eager load
Also this package provides \Cloud9Business\EloquentlLikeable\LikeableController
, which handle requests to like entities
Add the service provider to app/config/app.php
'providers' => array(
// providers...
publish the config:
php artisan config:publish cloud9business/eloquent-likeable
Add models you need to sort in the config app/config/packages/cloud9business/eloquentl-likeable/config.php
'entities' => array(
'articles' => '\Article', // entityNameForUseInRequest => ModelName
Add route to the like
method of the controller:
Route::post('like', '\Cloud9Business\EloquentlLikeable\LikeableController@like');
Now if you post to this route valid data:
$validator = \Validator::make(\Input::all(), array(
'type' => array('required', 'in:like,unlike'), // type of like, like or unlike
'entityName' => array('required', 'in:' . implode(',', array_keys($likeableEntities))), // entity name, 'articles' in this example
'id' => 'required|numeric', // entity id
Then entity with \Input::get('id')
id will be liked or unliked as specified.
For example, if request data is:
then the article with id 3 will be unliked.
- Stephen Neander -
- Robert Conner -