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This repository is a monorepo for all Pages build tasks which run as Cloud Foundry Tasks.


Each task has its own subfolder in tasks/. These subfolders contain all the task-specific code needed to both create (via Docker and Cloud Foundry) and run the task.

Shared code used across tasks is located in lib/.

Container Hardening + ECR Storage

hardening: TBD

All container images are stored in the pages-cf-build-tasks repository on ECR. They are tagged with the task folder name and environment name: ((build-task))-((deploy-env))


New Build Task Migrations

New build tasks are registered in the pages-core application by creating a new BuildTaskType instance via migration. They should follow this standard:

await db.insert('build_task_type',
  ['name', 'description', 'metadata', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'runner', 'startsWhen', 'url'],
    "appName": appName,
    "template": {
        "command": `python build-task/ ${additionalFlags}`,
        "disk_in_mb": diskInMb
    new Date(),
    new Date(),

The operator should supply the following values:

  • taskTypeName: A human-readable task name. Example: "OWASP ZAP Vulnerability Scan"
  • taskTypeDescription: A human-readable task description. Example: "This scan identifies potential website security issues like unintended exposure of sensitive data, SQL injection opportunities, cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws, and the use of components with known vulnerabilities."
  • appName: A kebab-case application name for the matching Cloud Foundary app this will be deployed as. It should include a template variable env for matching the various deployed environments (dev, staging, production). Example: pages-owasp-zap-task-${env}. This will correspond to the folder in this repo that hosts the code.
  • additionalFlags: see Docker Command
  • diskInMb: An integer value of the disk-space necessary (in megabytes) for running the docker image of the task.
  • startsWhen: One of build or complete. Tasks marked build will run at the start of an associated Pages build. Tasks marked complete will run after the build completes.
  • url: A link to additional documentation about the task.

Docker Command

The command sent to a build task will always be of the following form:

python build-task/ <operator-defined-flags> <default-parameters>


This section is a bit technical, requires fairly detailed knowledge of pages-core, and possibly needs further clarification. Please flag any questions or improvements as issues/PRs

  • operator-defined-flags: These flags are used for information that the pages-core application should pass to the build task. They are defined in the migration (as shown above) and take the form -x {{templated information}} -y {{more info}} -z {{etc}}. For templating, they have access to a single model/variable task within pages-core: this is the BuildTask model and provides access to all associated properties, as well as those on linked models (Build, BuildType, Site). For example, if the task requires a site's url to scan, this could be passed as a "target" flag like so: --target {{task.Build.url}}. Within the task code, the operator must register these added flags (method: TBD) to access it within their code.

  • default-parameters: These parameters are always sent by the pages-core application and are necessary for use in the common steps like updating the build task status and uploading artifacts to S3. These parameters include the following values: STATUS_CALLBACK, TASK_ID, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, BUCKET and are available inside the task script as params[parameter_name] (example params['TASK_ID'])

Writing New Task Code

Adding the code for a new task is done in this repository. Each task needs a folder within tasks which should be named corresponding to the appName defined above (example: the folder example becomes pages-example-task-dev). There are two files required to be inside this folder and a third optional file:

  • This is the main site of task-specific code. It needs to export one class, a subclass of BaseBuildTask. The custom class has two requirements:
    1. It must implement a handler function which returns a dictionary with three keys:
      'artifact': '/absolute/path/to/file'
      'message': 'task message',
      'count': 5 # count of "issues" raised by the scan
    1. It has extra parsers defined for any operator-defined-flags. An example is shown at tasks/example/
  • .env: Environment variables which are added as Build arguments to the final docker image. The only required value is BASE_IMAGE.
  • (optional) This script is run to configure task-specific dependecies needed in the final docker image.

Docker Image Building in CI

All tasks use the same Dockerfile with different build arguments supplied. Each task is built via the concourse task oci-build-task. The .env file referenced above is supplied as BUILD_ARGS_FILE so that BASE_IMAGE is available at build time. TASK_FOLDER is interpolated by the concourse across step and supplied as BUILD_ARG_TASK_FOLDER. All base images are required to have python available.

