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@vincenzopalazzo vincenzopalazzo released this 27 Apr 10:35
· 54 commits to master since this release

Released version v0.0.1

This version of the plugin supports the esplora API and the Bitcoin pruning mode, check out the readme for more information.

Please pay attention that the plugin is tested only on the testnet network for the moment, and only on mainet with a very small amount of money.

When I will have more BTC I will make my own node that runs on Java, if you like the idea you can take in consideration to donate with the method reported here

To run the following artifact you need to create a bash script and put it in the plugin folder of c-lihgnting, or put the path of the plugin in the lightning config.

The bash script looks like the following one

java -jar /path/of/btcli4j-all.jar

More info on the readme.