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Laborem extension to PyScada

What is Working

  • Working with CAS authentication
  • Working with set of Tektronix and HP instruments

What is not Working/Missing

  • Test with other hardware
  • Documentation


  • For automatic installation look at : extras/ (you need to configure manually)

  • sudo apt-get update

  • sudo apt-get -y upgrade

  • sudo apt-get install python3-pip

  • If behind a proxy pre-install dependencies : sudo pip3 install cffi Cython numpy lxml docutils

  • Install PyScada :

  • Change : sudo pip3 install

    to : sudo pip3 install

  • Install pyusb : sudo pip3 install pyusb

  • Install gpiozero : sudo pip3 install gpiozero

  • Install PyScada-Laborem : sudo pip3 install

  • Install PyScada-GPIO : sudo pip3 install

  • Install PyScada-Scripting : sudo pip3 install

  • Install Scipy :
    • sudo apt-get install gcc gfortran python-dev libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev cython
    • sudo pip3 install scipy
  • Add in /var/www/pyscada/PyScadaServer/PyScadaServer/ before url(r'^', include('pyscada.hmi.urls')), :
    • url(r'^', include('pyscada.laborem.urls')),
  • Add pyscada and gpio apps in /var/www/pyscada/PyScadaServer/PyScadaServer/ :






  • Add access to USB devices for pyscada user :
    • Add in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usb.rules : SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", MODE="0664", GROUP="pyscada"
    • sudo usermod -a -G pyscada www-data
  • Add access to serial devices for pyscada user :
    • Add : KERNEL=="ttyS[0-9]", GROUP="dialout", MODE="0777"
    • sudo usermod -a -G dialout pyscada
  • Add access to I2C for pyscada user :
    • sudo adduser pyscada i2c

To use CAS auth

  • sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev
Without proxy :
  • sudo pip3 install django_cas_ng
  • Add in /var/www/pyscada/PyScadaServer/PyScadaServer/ :









UNAUTHENTICATED_REDIRECT = '/accounts/choose_login/'

  • Add in /var/www/pyscada/PyScadaServer/PyScadaServer/ :

import django_cas_ng.views

url(r'^accounts/login$', django_cas_ng.views.LoginView.as_view(), name='cas_ng_login'),

url(r'^accounts/logout$', django_cas_ng.views.LogoutView.as_view(), name='cas_ng_logout'),

url(r'^accounts/callback$', django_cas_ng.views.CallbackView.as_view(), name='cas_ng_proxy_callback'),

Behind a proxy for CAS V2 :








CAS_SERVER_URL = '' CAS_VERSION = '2' CAS_EXTRA_LOGIN_KWARGS = {'proxies': {'https': ''}, 'timeout': 5}

UNAUTHENTICATED_REDIRECT = '/accounts/choose_login/'

  • Add in /var/www/pyscada/PyScadaServer/PyScadaServer/ :

import django_cas_ng.views

url(r'^accounts/CASlogin/$', django_cas_ng.views.LoginView.as_view(), name='cas_ng_login'),

url(r'^accounts/logout$', django_cas_ng.views.LogoutView.as_view(), name='cas_ng_logout'),

url(r'^accounts/callback$', django_cas_ng.views.CallbackView.as_view(), name='cas_ng_proxy_callback'),

  • sudo /var/www/pyscada/PyScadaServer/ migrate

To add a USB camera

Install mjpg-streamer :

To add a PiCamera

Install picamera : sudo apt-get install python3-picamera
  • Edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/pyscada.conf and add before "location /" :
    location /picamera/ {



  • copy to /home/pi

  • sudo systemctl enable laborem_pi_camera

  • sudo systemctl start laborem_pi_camera

  • add to a custom html :

    <img id='pi-camera-img' src="http://" + window.location.hostname + "/picamera/stream.mjpg" onerror="this.src='{% static 'pyscada/laborem/img/webcam-offline.jpg' %}'" width="320px" height="240px" alt="Camera view">

To use less the SD card on a Raspberry Pi

  • Using Log2ram :
    • Put a size bigger than : du -sh /var/log and than the db size
    • Example : 500
    • Set RSYNC too true
    • set : PATH_DISK="/var/log;/var/mysql"
    • Stop pyscada, gunicorn and mysql, move the DB :
    • sudo systemctl stop pyscada gunicorn gunicorn.socket
    • sudo systemctl stop mysql
    • sudo rsync -a /var/lib/mysql /var/mysql
    • sudo chown mysql:mysql /var/mysql/
    • sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
    • set : datadir = /var/mysql/mysql
    • sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mysqld.service
    • add : After=log2ram.service
    • sudo reboot
  • You will loose everything in /tmp, /var/tmp, /var/log after each reboot !
  • Move /tamp, /var/tmp and /var/log to memory :
    • sudo nano /etc/rc.local
      Add before "exit 0" :
      • chmod a+w /var/log
      • mkdir /var/log/nginx
      • chmod a+w /var/log/nginx
      • echo >> /var/log/pyscada_debug.log
      • chmod a+w /var/log/pyscada_debug.log
      • # If you want to mount a webdav access :
        • systemctl start systemd-timesyncd.service
        • sleep 10
        • if sudo -u pyscada /bin/mount /home/pyscada/nextcloud ; then
        • printf "Mount nextcloud successn"
        • else
        • printf "Mount nextcloud failedn"
        • fi
        • Add in /etc/systemd/system/pyscada.service :
        • before ExecStart : ExecStartPre=/home/pyscada/
        • after ExecStop : ExecStopPost=/home/pyscada/
      • # If you want to copy the DB on RAM at start from your save
        • rsync -av /var/lib/mysql_to_restore/mysql /tmp
        • chown -R mysql:mysql /tmp/mysql
        • systemctl start mysql
        • sleep 10
        • systemctl start pyscada
        • systemctl start gunicorn
    • sudo nano /etc/fstab
      Add at the end :
      • tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,mode=0755,size=50m 0 0
      • tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777,size=350m
      • tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777,size=30m
  • Remove swap (included in the "Read-only root filesystem"):
    • sudo swapoff --all
    • sudo apt-get remove dphys-swapfile
  • (In test !!!) Move mysql to RAM at boot and save it before shutdown or each day :
    • sudo systemctl stop nginx gunicorn gunicorn.socket pyscada mysql
    • wait for mysql to shutdown...
    • sudo rsync -av /var/lib/mysql /tmp
    • sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
      • change datadir=/var/lib/mysql
      • to datadir=/tmp/mysql
    • sudo systemctl start mysql nginx gunicorn pyscada
  • Read-only root filesystem for Raspbian Stretch (using overlay) :
  • Creating WebDAV mounts on the Linux command line (for Nextcloud)
    • sudo apt-get install davfs2
    • usermod -aG davfs2 <linux_username>
    • usermod -aG davfs2 pyscada
    • close the session and open it
    • mkdir /home/pyscada/nextcloud
    • sudo nano /etc/davfs2/secrets
    • sudo nano /etc/fstab
    • nano /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf
      • uncomment : use_locks 0
      • if behind a proxy, uncomment : use_proxy 1
        and add : proxy <>:<port>
    • to mount it : mount /home/pyscada/nextcloud
    • to unmount it : umount /home/pyscada/nextcloud
    • to auto mount at start : change "noauto" in /etc/fstab by "auto"
  • To automatically "clean" reboot the raspberry each night at 0:00 :
    • sudo crontab -e
    • add : 0 0 * * * /home/pyscada/

To use GPIB adapters

  • Follow this instructions :
  • If error when doing modprobe try : sudo depmod -ae
  • If error with try : sudo ldconfig
  • sudo usermod -a -G plugdev pyscada
  • To install to python3 :
    • cd linux-gpib/linux-gpib-4.2.0/linux-gpib-user-4.2.0/language/python/
    • sudo python3 install



The project is licensed under the _GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (AGPLv3)_.