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Add PacketStream protocol.
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Co-authored-by: Jasmijn Bookelmann <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cato van Ojen <[email protected]>>
Co-authored-by: MatthijsMu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: t-wallet <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jasper Laumen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mart Koster <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bryan Rinders <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Daan Weessies <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
9 people committed Jul 3, 2024
1 parent 5e8ad7a commit 0669c0c
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,511 additions and 0 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions clash-protocols.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ common common-options
-fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Extra.Solver
-fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise
-fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver

-- Clash needs access to the source code in compiled modules
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +164,12 @@ library
Expand All @@ -189,6 +196,8 @@ library


Expand Down
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions src/Clash/Sized/Vector/Extra.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Clash.Sized.Vector.Extra (
) where

import Clash.Prelude

-- | Like 'drop' but uses a 'Data.Type.Ord.<=' constraint
dropLe ::
(n :: Nat)
(m :: Nat)
(a :: Type).
(n <= m) =>
-- | How many elements to take
SNat n ->
-- | input vector
Vec m a ->
Vec (m - n) a
dropLe SNat vs = leToPlus @n @m $ dropI vs

-- | Like 'take' but uses a 'Data.Type.Ord.<=' constraint
takeLe ::
(n :: Nat)
(m :: Nat)
(a :: Type).
(n <= m) =>
-- | How many elements to take
SNat n ->
-- | input vector
Vec m a ->
Vec n a
takeLe SNat vs = leToPlus @n @m $ takeI vs

-- | Take the first 'valid' elements of 'xs', append 'ys', then pad with 0s
appendVec ::
forall n m a.
(KnownNat n) =>
(Num a) =>
Index n ->
Vec n a ->
Vec m a ->
Vec (n + m) a
appendVec valid xs ys = results !! valid
go :: forall l. SNat l -> Vec (n + m) a
go l@SNat =
let f = addSNat l d1
in case compareSNat f (SNat @n) of
SNatLE -> takeLe (addSNat l d1) xs ++ ys ++ extra
extra :: Vec (n - (l + 1)) a
extra = repeat 0
_ -> error "appendVec: Absurd"
results = smap (\s _ -> go s) xs
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Maybe/Extra.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Data.Maybe.Extra (
) where

-- | Wrap a value in a Just if True
toMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
toMaybe True x = Just x
toMaybe False _ = Nothing
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions src/Protocols/PacketStream/AsyncFifo.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

{- |
Provides `asyncFifoC` for crossing clock domains in the packet stream protocol.
module Protocols.PacketStream.AsyncFifo (asyncFifoC) where

import Clash.Explicit.Prelude (asyncFIFOSynchronizer)
import Clash.Prelude

import Protocols.Internal (Circuit, fromSignals)
import Protocols.PacketStream.Base

{- | Asynchronous FIFO circuit that can be used to safely cross clock domains.
Uses `Clash.Explicit.Prelude.asyncFIFOSynchronizer` internally.
asyncFifoC ::
(depth :: Nat)
(dataWidth :: Nat)
(wDom :: Domain)
(rDom :: Domain)
(metaType :: Type).
( KnownDomain wDom
, KnownDomain rDom
, KnownNat depth
, 2 <= depth
, KnownNat dataWidth
, 1 <= dataWidth
, NFDataX metaType
) =>
-- | 2^depth is the number of elements this component can store
SNat depth ->
-- | Clock signal in the write domain
Clock wDom ->
-- | Reset signal in the write domain
Reset wDom ->
-- | Enable signal in the write domain
Enable wDom ->
-- | Clock signal in the read domain
Clock rDom ->
-- | Reset signal in the read domain
Reset rDom ->
-- | Enable signal in the read domain
Enable rDom ->
Circuit (PacketStream wDom dataWidth metaType) (PacketStream rDom dataWidth metaType)
asyncFifoC depth wClk wRst wEn rClk rRst rEn = fromSignals ckt
ckt (fwdIn, bwdIn) = (bwdOut, fwdOut)
(element, empty, full) = asyncFIFOSynchronizer depth wClk rClk wRst rRst wEn rEn readReq fwdIn

Check warning on line 51 in src/Protocols/PacketStream/AsyncFifo.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Stack tests

This binding for ‘empty’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 51 in src/Protocols/PacketStream/AsyncFifo.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Stack tests

This binding for ‘empty’ shadows the existing binding

Check failure on line 51 in src/Protocols/PacketStream/AsyncFifo.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Cabal tests - ghc 9.0.2 / clash 1.8.1

This binding for ‘empty’ shadows the existing binding

Check failure on line 51 in src/Protocols/PacketStream/AsyncFifo.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Cabal tests - ghc 9.2.8 / clash 1.8.1

This binding for ‘empty’ shadows the existing binding

Check failure on line 51 in src/Protocols/PacketStream/AsyncFifo.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Cabal tests - ghc 9.4.8 / clash 1.8.1

This binding for ‘empty’ shadows the existing binding

Check failure on line 51 in src/Protocols/PacketStream/AsyncFifo.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Cabal tests - ghc 9.6.4 / clash 1.8.1

This binding for ‘empty’ shadows the existing binding
-- If the FIFO is empty, we output Nothing. Else, we output the oldest element.
fwdOut = mux empty (pure Nothing) (Just <$> element)
-- Assert backpressure when the FIFO is full.
bwdOut = PacketStreamS2M . not <$> full
-- Next component is ready to read if the fifo is not empty and it does not assert backpressure.
readReq = (not <$> empty) .&&. (_ready <$> bwdIn)
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions src/Protocols/PacketStream/Base.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

{- |
Definitions and instances of the packet stream protocol
module Protocols.PacketStream.Base (
PacketStreamM2S (..),
PacketStreamS2M (..),
) where

import Clash.Prelude hiding (sample)
import qualified Prelude as P

import qualified Protocols.Df as Df
import qualified Protocols.DfConv as DfConv
import Protocols.Hedgehog.Internal
import Protocols.Internal

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Proxy

{- | Data sent from manager to subordinate, a simplified AXI4-Stream like interface
with metadata that can only change on packet delineation.
_tdest, _tuser and _tid are bundled into one big _meta field which holds metadata.
There are no null or position bytes so _tstrb is replaced by a last indicator
that indicates the index of the last valid byte in the _data vector.
_tvalid is modeled via wrapping this in a `Maybe`.
data PacketStreamM2S (dataWidth :: Nat) (metaType :: Type) = PacketStreamM2S
{ _data :: Vec dataWidth (BitVector 8)
-- ^ The bytes to be transmitted
, _last :: Maybe (Index dataWidth)
-- ^ If Nothing, we are not yet at the last byte, otherwise index of last valid byte of _data
, _meta :: metaType
-- ^ the metadata of a packet. Must be constant during a packet.
, _abort :: Bool
-- ^ If True, the current transfer is aborted and the subordinate should ignore the current transfer
deriving (Eq, Generic, ShowX, Show, NFData, Bundle, Functor)

{- | Data sent from the subordinate to the manager
The only information transmitted is whether the subordinate is ready to receive data
newtype PacketStreamS2M = PacketStreamS2M
{ _ready :: Bool
-- ^ Iff True, the subordinate is ready to receive data
deriving (Eq, Generic, ShowX, Show, NFData, Bundle, NFDataX)

-- | The packet stream protocol for communication between components
data PacketStream (dom :: Domain) (dataWidth :: Nat) (metaType :: Type)

deriving instance
(KnownNat dataWidth, NFDataX metaType) =>
NFDataX (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType)

instance Protocol (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where
Fwd (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) =
Signal dom (Maybe (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType))
type Bwd (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = Signal dom PacketStreamS2M

instance Backpressure (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where
boolsToBwd _ = fromList_lazy . fmap PacketStreamS2M

instance DfConv.DfConv (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where
type Dom (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = dom
type FwdPayload (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType

toDfCircuit _ = fromSignals go
go (fwdIn, bwdIn) =
( (fmap coerce bwdIn, pure undefined)
, fmap Df.dataToMaybe $ P.fst fwdIn

fromDfCircuit _ = fromSignals go
go (fwdIn, bwdIn) =
( fmap coerce $ P.fst bwdIn
, (fmap Df.maybeToData fwdIn, pure undefined)

(KnownDomain dom) =>
Simulate (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType)
SimulateFwdType (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) =
[Maybe (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType)]
type SimulateBwdType (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = [PacketStreamS2M]
type SimulateChannels (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = 1

simToSigFwd _ = fromList_lazy
simToSigBwd _ = fromList_lazy
sigToSimFwd _ s = sample_lazy s
sigToSimBwd _ s = sample_lazy s

stallC conf (head -> (stallAck, stalls)) =
withClockResetEnable clockGen resetGen enableGen
$ DfConv.stall Proxy Proxy conf stallAck stalls

(KnownDomain dom) =>
Drivable (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType)
ExpectType (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) =
[PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType]

toSimulateType Proxy = fmap Just
fromSimulateType Proxy = Maybe.catMaybes

driveC conf vals =
withClockResetEnable clockGen resetGen enableGen
$ Proxy conf vals
sampleC conf ckt =
withClockResetEnable clockGen resetGen enableGen
$ DfConv.sample Proxy conf ckt

( KnownNat dataWidth
, NFDataX metaType
, NFData metaType
, ShowX metaType
, Show metaType
, Eq metaType
, KnownDomain dom
) =>
Test (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType)
expectToLengths Proxy = pure . P.length
expectN Proxy options nExpected sampled =
expectN (Proxy @(Df.Df dom _)) options nExpected
$ Df.maybeToData
<$> sampled

-- | Circuit to convert a CSignal into a PacketStream. This is unsafe, because it drops backpressure.
unsafeToPacketStream ::
Circuit (CSignal dom (Maybe (PacketStreamM2S n a))) (PacketStream dom n a)
unsafeToPacketStream = Circuit (\(fwdInS, _) -> (pure (), fwdInS))

-- | Converts a PacketStream into a CSignal.
fromPacketStream ::
forall dom n meta.
(HiddenClockResetEnable dom) =>
Circuit (PacketStream dom n meta) (CSignal dom (Maybe (PacketStreamM2S n meta)))
fromPacketStream = forceResetSanity |> Circuit (\(inFwd, _) -> (pure (PacketStreamS2M True), inFwd))

-- | Ensures a circuit does not send out ready on reset
forceResetSanity ::
forall dom n meta.
(HiddenClockResetEnable dom) =>
Circuit (PacketStream dom n meta) (PacketStream dom n meta)
forceResetSanity =
Circuit (\(fwd, bwd) -> unbundle . fmap f . bundle $ (rstLow, fwd, bwd))
f (True, _, _) = (PacketStreamS2M False, Nothing)
f (False, fwd, bwd) = (bwd, fwd)
rstLow = unsafeToActiveHigh hasReset

{- | Filter a packet stream based on its metadata,
with the predicate wrapped in a @Signal@.
filterMetaS ::
-- | Predicate which specifies whether to keep a fragment based on its metadata,
-- wrapped in a @Signal@
Signal dom (meta -> Bool) ->
Circuit (PacketStream dom dataWidth meta) (PacketStream dom dataWidth meta)
filterMetaS pS = Circuit $ \(fwdIn, bwdIn) -> unbundle (go <$> bundle (fwdIn, bwdIn, pS))
go (Nothing, bwdIn, _) = (bwdIn, Nothing)
go (Just inPkt, bwdIn, predicate)
| predicate (_meta inPkt) = (bwdIn, Just inPkt)
-- It's illegal to look at bwdIn when sending out a Nothing.
-- So if we drive a Nothing, force an acknowledgement.
| otherwise = (PacketStreamS2M True, Nothing)

-- | Filter a packet stream based on its metadata.
filterMeta ::
-- | Predicate which specifies whether to keep a fragment based on its metadata
(meta -> Bool) ->
Circuit (PacketStream dom dataWidth meta) (PacketStream dom dataWidth meta)
filterMeta p = filterMetaS (pure p)

{- | Map a function on the metadata of a packet stream,
with the function wrapped in a @Signal@.
mapMetaS ::
-- | Function to apply on the metadata, wrapped in a @Signal@
Signal dom (a -> b) ->
Circuit (PacketStream dom dataWidth a) (PacketStream dom dataWidth b)
mapMetaS fS = Circuit $ \(fwdIn, bwdIn) -> (bwdIn, go <$> bundle (fwdIn, fS))
go (inp, f) = (\inPkt -> inPkt{_meta = f (_meta inPkt)}) <$> inp

-- | Map a function on the metadata of a packet stream.
mapMeta ::
-- | Function to apply on the metadata
(a -> b) ->
Circuit (PacketStream dom dataWidth a) (PacketStream dom dataWidth b)
mapMeta f = mapMetaS (pure f)

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