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How to code your own script?

Roman edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 7 revisions

Step 1: Create text file with any name

Step 2: Replace .txt in file name to .mas

Step 3: Open it with any text editor (i prefer Intelij IDEA or AkelPad) and use these:

Want comment? use ||!


sendChat "example" || Sending something to chat (you can use it after methods)

or just

|| My own script lol (or just in line)


sendKey <keyname> <time> holds for seconds NOT WORKING

sendChat <message> sends to chat (visible only for you and OPs)

sendBar <message> sends to actionbar (visible only for you)

sendError <message> sends with red color (visible only for you)

sendMessage <message> sends to chat as player (you can type commands innit)

wait <time> pauses the script for seconds

exitCurrentServer exits current server or world

fakeLag <time> lags your client for (i coded it randomly tryna code wait)

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