Hi there 👋, I'm Christina Kopecky. I'm a web developer and technical writer that currently works as a Customer Success Manager at Vercel. Welcome to my gh page!
Resume: Christina Kopecky Resume (PDF download)
🔭 Currently working on: Articles that teach students and developers new-to-them technologies. Here are some examples of what I have been writing on:
React Components: Class vs. Functional
Web Fundamentals: JavaScript Scopes and Closure
CSS Flexbox
MongoDB vs PostgreSQL: what to consider when choosing a database
🌱 Currently Learning: React-Native and Ruby
📫 How to reach me:
😄 Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
⚡ Fun facts:
🎵 In my previous career I was a flutist and flute teacher. You can hear me play here: Hypnosis by Ian Clarke
🍂 My favorite season is fall 😄