Apache Qpid Proton developer environment in docker.
Images have been pushed to a Docker Hub repository.
Images are outlined in the images folder.
By default all docker images built or published using solace/docker-qpid-proton:<tag>
. To change the username from solace
there are two options:
- Use the
docker tag
docker tag solace/docker-qpid-proton:<tag> <username>/<reponame>:<tag>
- Use the
username option.
docker_image.sh -u <username> <command>
See ./docker_image.sh help
for more details.
Build and tag the docker images locally with the Dockerfile by using the docker_image.sh build
Build steps:
- clone this repository
./docker_image.sh build
For detailed docker build commands look at the build.sh
To publish local docker docker-qpid-proton images to Docker hub use the docker_image.sh publish
Publish Steps:
clone this repository
build docker images locally using:
./docker_image.sh [-u <username>] build
publish docker images to docker hub using:
./docker_image.sh [-u <username>] publish
./docker_image.sh publish
publishes too the docker hub Registry Server. The publish command will prompt the user login if the user is not already.Attention: A docker image publish may fail if the user does not have the privileges to publish to a repository. It is recommended to use the
-u <username>
option for steps 2 and 3 to publish images to Docker Hub repositories that users have access to.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
See the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. - See the LICENSE file for details.