It's a game! With babies! And teddies!
Play coop to solve puzzles!
The client is i/o. The server is the authoritative game state.
Add/Remove objects are broadcast immediately. Updates are broadcast as partials at the end of the update step.
- test with two players
- make a level, with sprites (need sprites)
- add collisions to walls
- make an enemy
- enemies damage player (add knock-back)
- player health
- transition into "dead" state (need sprites)
- add an object registry?
- add unity style "behaviors?"
- projectile
- bear attack
- doesn't keep track of player when you switch tabs
- transition into standing sprite (need sprites)
- rename player actions object structure (action/which is confusing)
- record elapsed time of button press ~ the server should make partial moves
- client should have an update loop
- this loop is for RENDERING only
- objects should move based on current trejectory, to move at a higher frame rate
- the server will send in updates, objects will snap to them directly
- if the client predicts correctly (normal case), then it won't jitter
- this will reduce the overall jitter