Releases: cjh-cloud/node-red-contrib-flatter
Update dependencies
Bump ini version
Bump ini version from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 that fixes a security vulnerability
Upgrading bl
This release is spawned from a Dependabot alert of high severity to upgrade bl, which is only used under Node-RED which is a dev dependency - i.e. not much drama in upgrading it but easy enough to do so with npm audit fix.
I have left the bcrypt dependabot alert since I have to manually fix that and again it is only needed for Node-RED.
Upgrading lodash dependancy
Upgrading lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19, originating from a Dependabot Pull Request
Upgrading minimist dependancy
GitHub created a security alert that the version of minimist being used had a security vulnerability.
This seemed to be only related to dev dependencies but I am creating a new release just to be safe.
Pass through of non-objects
Adding a feature to allow the pass through of non-objects in msg.payload.
"null" values will also pass through the node as the "flat" library will return a TypeError when passed "null" as an argument.
Code cleanup
Removing unnecessary commented out code.
Releasing Version 1.0.0
Adding 'node-red' keyword so that it gets included in the Node-RED library. Changed version to 1.0.0 for release
Changing colour of the nodes.
Removing phase that publishes to GitHub packages.
Adding keywords for NPM.
First Release
First release that should publish this package to NPM