We have developed an application that showcases a diverse collection of movies, which users can browse through by either searching or scrolling. The movies are sourced from a RESTful API, and users can select any movie to view its details. Our app is designed to be user-friendly for individuals with colorblindness and dyslexia. Additionally, we have achieved a 96% accessibility score on Lighthouse.
- Go to [this repo] (https://github.com/Mortis78/rancid-tomatillos) on Github
- Click "Fork", then 'Create New Fork'
- Click 'Code' and copy the SSH url provided by Github
- In your terminal, navigate to the new project repository
- Go into desired parent folder and type 'git clone' and paste the ssh url you copied
- Cd into the repo directory and open in tect editor
- In terminal when in correct repo run 'npm install', 'npm start', then go to "http://localhost:8080/" in your browser
- You will also need to clone down the API server. Go to [API repo] (https://rancid-tomatillos.herokuapp.com/api/v2.) and follow the install steps, this will allow you to manipulate the application in the browser window
In the last two weeks we were taught react.js, router, and cypress. We implemented all of these technologies as we learned them. We spent about 55 hours working to get the project completed
-Gain competency with React fundamentals -Learn how to test React components & asynchronous JS -Practice refactoring -Create a multi-page UX using Router
-JavaScript -React.js -CSS -GitHub -GitHub projects -Cypress -router -APIs -HTML