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Tomos is a software library and tools for tomographic reconstruction.

It uses a modular system, where kernels, geometries, algorithmic skeletons are independent and can be mixed and matched. We support a general model for distributed computing, enabling the resulting algorithms to run on clusters There is support for 2D, 3D or higher dimensional reconstructions, and support for arbitrary floating point types.


  • tomos_partition a partitioning tool based on the geometric recursive coordinate bisectioning algorithm.

    It is also possible to perform partitioning on geometries from the ASTRA toolbox. This can be done using the Python bindings, see python/examples/


Code example

Reconstructing a Shepp-Logan phantom using SIRT:

#include "tomos/tomos.hpp"

int main() {
    using T = float;
    constexpr tomo::dimension D = 2_D;

    int size = 128;
    auto v = tomo::volume<D, T>(size);
    auto g = tomo::geometry::parallel<D, T>(v, size, size);
    auto f = tomo::modified_shepp_logan_phantom<T>(v);
    auto k = tomo::dim::joseph<D, T>(v);
    auto p = tomo::forward_projection<D, T>(f, g, k);

    auto x = tomo::reconstruction::sirt(v, g, k, p);


First of all, have a look at the examples provided in the examples folder.

There are four core components that are used for reconstruction:

  • tomo::volume represents the volume geometry, i.e. the part of space in which the image object resides.
  • tomo::dim is the namespace for the 'discrete integration methods' (also called interpolators, projectors or kernels).
    • closest projects any point on the ray to the closest voxel
    • linear does D-dimensional linear interpolation around the ray point to the surrounding voxels
    • joseph does (D-1) dimensional linear interpolation by considering points on the ray that have integer coordinates in one fixed dimension.
  • tomo::geometry is the namespace for the various acquisition geometries
    • cone_beam
    • dual_axis_parallel
    • dynamic_cone_beam
    • fan
    • helical_cone_beam
    • laminography
    • list is a list of lines without any implied stucture.
    • parallel<2_D>
    • parallel<3_D>
    • tomosynthesis
    • trajectory is the base class for cone-beam-like geometries where the source and the (position and tilt of the) detector follow a given path.
  • tomo::image represents the image data, there is only one phantom
    • shepp_logan<2_D>
    • shepp_logan<3_D>
    • modified_shepp_logan<2_D>
    • modified_shepp_logan<3_D>

These can be used together completely independently. The reason is that we take the following approach to these concepts:

  • A geometry acts as nothing more than a container of lines, so you can write:
for (auto line : geometry) {
    // use line
  • A discrete integration method takes a line, and produces a number of 'matrix elements', that contain the voxel (as an index), and the attenuation coefficient (value of the matrix element):
for (auto element : projector(line)) {
    // element.index is the voxel
    // element.value is the coefficient

Using this approach, many interesting algorithms can be written in an efficient but flexible manner.

There are also some standard algorithms implemented, including ART, SART, and SIRT.


The Python bindings expose the different concepts (images, volumes, geometries and dims) as well as the standard implemented algorithms.



The following libraries are required:


  • glm header only mathematics library mimicking GLSL
  • (optional) MPI (>= 7.0)
  • (optional) RECAST3D as an visualization server

Provided as submodules

  • Catch, for unit tests
  • fmt as an iostream replacement
  • bulk for distributed computing
  • cpptoml for reading specification and configuration files
  • (optional) zeromq for communicating with visualization servers
  • (optional) pybind11 to generate Python bindings

The following build tools should be available on the system:

  • CMake (>= 3.0)
  • Modern C++ compiler (with support for at least C++17), e.g. GCC >= 7.0 or clang >= 4.0

The library is being tested on Fedora 28, but is intended to be portable to other Linux distributions.

Building process

The core of the library is header only, so it does not have to be built itself. We start with initializing the submodules:

git submodule init
git submodule update --remote

To build the examples:

cd build
cmake ..

The resulting binaries will be in the bin folder.

Building the Python bindings

To generate and use the Python bindings:

cd build
cmake .. -DPYTHON_BINDINGS=on 
cd ../python
pip install -e .

python examples/

Building with optional features

To build the ZMQ and MPI based examples, run the following instead of cmake ...

cmake -DDISTRIBUTED=on ..


Toolbox for tomographic reconstruction







No packages published


  • C++ 94.7%
  • Python 3.7%
  • CMake 1.6%