New Features:
- The default option of the 2D working plane is changed to "Auto", allowing operators to be performed in any 2D plane without switching the mode manually.
- Please notice that the operators themselves are still based on 2D algorithms. Therefore, please avoid selecting strokes belonging to different 2D planes as the input of a single operation, which may lead to inaccurate results.
- Normal Interpolation: The operator is largely modified with the following new options added. Please refer to the attached video for a quick demo.
- Convert Normal to Depth: A new method to generate 3D meshes (the option "advanced solver") by using the SciPy's L-BFGS-B optimizer.
- Multi-color Mesh: An option to use line colors for generated mesh. Gradient colors can be achieved in this way.
- Assign Open Areas: An option to use a vertex group to indicate open areas of the input strokes.
- Stop-motion Animation: A geometry node group to automatically show/hide the generated mesh according to the Grease Pencil keyframes.
Bug Fixes:
- Several issues during the transformation between 3D and 2D spaces.