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Because the name OpenAIKit was already taken...

A cool Swift package and set of utilities for OpenAI's API.


Add the dependency to Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
    	name: "App", 
    	dependencies: [
        	.product(name: "CoolOpenAIKit", package: "cool-openai-kit"),


⚠️ OpenAI recommendeds adding your API key to your environment, rather than hard-coding the value in code. This is very easy and ensures your keys stay safe.

Add API Key and Organization as Environment Variables from Xcode's Scheme Editor

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: your OpenAI API key
  • OPENAI_ORGANIZATION: YOUR OpenAI organization id (optional)

OPENAI_ORGANIZATION is for users who belong to multiple organizations, you can pass a header to specify which organization is used for an API request

Add API Keys

Now, upon initialization, the OpenAI.Client will automatically grab OPENAI_API_KEY and OPENAI_ORGANIZATION from your env.

let client = OpenAI.Client() // *magic*

More about Environment Variables in Swift

(Not recommended) Manually add API Key and Organiation

let configuration: OpenAI.Configuration = .init(
    apiKey: "<OPENAI_API_KEY>",
    organization: "<OPENAI_ORGANIZATION>" // optional
let client = OpenAI.Client(config: configuration)


The primary way to interact with the library is the OpenAI.client() object.

This client contains the properties that let you quickly access the API handlers.


import CoolOpenAIKit

let client = OpenAI.Client()

// List all models
let models: [Model]? = try await client.models.list()

// Retrieve single model
let model = try await client.models.retrieve(model: "text-davinci-003")

Learn more about models.


let choices = try await client.completions.create(
	prompt: .basic(prompt: "What color are your eyes?"), 
	maxTokens: 100, 
	temperature: 0.5, 
	topP: 1, 
	n: 1, 
	presencePenalty: 0, 
	frequencyPenalty: 0

// Or create Completion Request separately
let prompt: Completions.Prompt = .basic(prompt: "What color are your eyes?")
let request = Completions.Request(
    model: .davinci,
    prompt: prompt,
    maxTokens: 100,
    temperature: 0.5,
    topP: 1,
    n: 1,
    presencePenalty: 0,
    frequencyPenalty: 0
let choices = try await client.completions.create(request)

Learn more about text completion.

Completion Handler Alternatives

// List all models
client.models.list { models in

// Text Completion
let prompt: Completions.Prompt = .basic(prompt: "What color are your eyes?")
let request = Completions.Request(
    model: .davinci,
    prompt: prompt,
    maxTokens: 100,
    temperature: 0.5,
    topP: 1,
    n: 1,
    presencePenalty: 0,
    frequencyPenalty: 0
client.completions.create(request) { choices in

Error handling

Simply ensure you catch errors thrown like any other throwing function

do {
   let models = try await client.models.list()
} catch {

Supported Endpoints

Function Description Endpoint
.models.list() Lists the currently available models, and provides basic information about each one such as the owner and availability. GET /models
.models.retrieve(:) Retrieves a model instance, providing basic information about the model such as the owner and permissioning. GET /models/{model}
.completions.create(:) Creates a completion for the provided prompt and parameters POST /completions


  • Models
  • Completions
  • Edits
  • Images
  • Embeddings
  • Files
  • Fine-tunes
  • Moderations
  • Test cases


Basic, but working.


Make a PR, but make it cool


This software is copyright (c) 2023 Chris Zelazo.

For copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file.