Test page go here : https://chronoss09.github.io/sleirsgoevyhost702
Adress changed from :
- https://chronoss09.github.io/last-sleirsgoevy-host-7.02/ to
- https://chronoss09.github.io/sleirsgoevyhost702
Add HEN 2.1.3b ported by @karo
Add VR payload
Add PS4 Trainer section :
Payload from ChendoChap exploit
Payload from Sleisgoevy exploit
PS4 Trainer online (need internet connexion)
Thanks to x_force_505 for the new Fan Threshold bar
And many others paylod...
minor change...
New look for control fan
Deleted some message to make the webkit more clear to receive more payload
Add GTA Mods ported by Karo
Add Fan-Threshold ported by Al-Azif
Add ps4debug 1.3.0702.1 by Golden
Add Linux loader split 1GB & 3GB
New design for the portal of the exploit
Add Linux loader (thanks to @mircoho)
Add more message about the succes rate of the exploit on PS4 model
Change background colors to grey for best view of warning message