Simple command line tool to check your music library
The LibraryChecker needs the following specific directory structure:
%{artist} - %{album}/%{track} %{artist} - %{title}
there is no artist folder (note for iTunes compatibility).
use a yaml configuration file to configure the checks to be run.
A sample configuration looks like this:
version: 1.0
logLevel: info
reportFile: ~/library-report.txt
- ArtworkCheck
- ID3v2TagCheck
- TrackNumberCheck
You have to list the LibraryChecks which should be run in the checks section.
If you add the reportFile config a full report containing all failed items will be written.
The report looks like this:
Gspraechstoff - Hoebeler EP
Check State File
ArtworkCheck FAIL CD.m3u
ID3v2TagCheck FAIL CD.m3u
TrackNumberCheck FAIL 01 Intro1.mp3
TrackNumberCheck FAIL 02 Intro2.mp3
Billboard - Hot 100 Songs 2013
Check State File
Start the utility from commandline using the following command
java -jar MusicLibraryChecker.jar albumart.yml ~/MusicLibrary/
Your MusicLibrary contains 87 albums
Progress [============= ] 24.05% 320 tracks found in 21 albums
- ArtworkCheck - Check if every file has the id3 cover tag set
- TrackNumberCheck - Check if every file has the tracknumbers set
- ID3v2Check - Check if every file has the id3v2 tags set