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Chris Rabe edited this page Feb 21, 2018 · 1 revision

Text Module

Function Description
toFancytext(text:string) converts text parameter input into ascii characters that look 'fancy'.
toFliptext(text: string) turns text parameter input upside-down. Returns null if a blank string or null character is passed as the parameter.
toFliptextTable(text:string) similar to toFliptext but adds a flip-table asciimoticon beside the text.
toWitchtext(text:string) converts text parameter input into ascii characters that look 'witch-like'.

Number Module

Function Description
dice(amount) Retrieves a die with circles specified by the amount parameter. amount must be within 1 - 6
randomDice() Retrieves a random die.
loading(percent) Creates a loading bar that contains a shaded section which symbolises the percent parameter passed.
dollarbill(amount) Creates a dollar bill that has the value of the amount parameter passed.

Faces Module

This is a map which contains the asciimoticon and the words associated to it.

const faces = core.faces;

for (var faceName in faces) {
    const face = faces[faceName];
    console.log(`|${face.ascii} | ${face.words} |`); // TOO MANY TO DEFINE

Each object in the map contains words and ascii properties. To retrieve a specific face, simply access it by passing the name of the asciimoticon into the map. Here's a list of all available faces

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