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Chris Rabe edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 3 revisions

Text Module

Function Description
toFancytext(text:string) converts text parameter input into ascii characters that look 'fancy'.
toFliptext(text: string) turns text parameter input upside-down. Returns null if a blank string or null character is passed as the parameter.
toFliptextTable(text:string) similar to toFliptext but adds a flip-table asciimoticon beside the text.
toWitchtext(text:string) converts text parameter input into ascii characters that look 'witch-like'.
toCrazytext(text:string) convert text parameter input into ascii characters that look 'crazy'.
toBubbletext(text:string) converts text parameter input into ascii characters surrounded by 'bubbles'.
toArcanetext(text:string) converts text parameter input into ascii characters that look 'arcane'.

Number Module

Function Description
dice(amount:number) Retrieves a die with circles specified by the amount parameter. amount must be within 1 - 6
randomDice() Retrieves a random die.
loading(percent:number) Creates a loading bar that contains a shaded section which symbolises the percent parameter passed.
dollarbill(amount:number) Creates a dollar bill that has the value of the amount parameter passed.

Faces Module

This is a map which contains the asciimoticon and the words associated with it.

const faces = core.faces;

for (var faceName in faces) {
    const face = faces[faceName];
    console.log(`|${face.ascii} | ${face.words} |`); // TOO MANY TO DEFINE

Each object in the map contains words and ascii properties. To retrieve a specific face, simply access it by passing the name of the asciimoticon into the map. Here's a list of all available faces.

Symbols Module

This is a map which contains the asciimoticon and the words associated with it. This is similar to the faces module, but it consists of symbols only.

const symbols = core.symbols;

for (var name in symbols) {
    const symbol = symbols[name];
    console.log(`|${symbol.ascii} | ${symbol.words} |`); // TOO MANY TO DEFINE

Themes Module

This is a map which contains themes mapped to arrays of asciimoticons related to that theme.

const themes = core.themes;
for(var theme in themes){
   const faces = themes[theme]; // array object
   console.log(faces); // TOO MANY TO DEFINE

Parts Module

Contains ascii components for specific parts.

const parts =;
// Load different array of parts
const eyes = parts.eyes;
const cheeks = parts.cheeks;
const mouth = parts.mouth;
const face = parts.face;
const arms = parts.arms;
const wings = parts.wings;
const other = parts.other;
const weapon = parts.weapon;

Builder Module

Function Description
template() creates a new template object. Always use this if you want user define mappings.
textTemplate(keyword:string, table:object, backwards?:boolean) Creates a template used for replacing characters using the custom key-value table mapping
parse(text:string, options?:object, template?:object) parses the text and converts delimited words with asciimoticons
build(sequence: string[], template: object) Builds an asciimoticon using the sequence and the custom mapping
createReversedTable(baseString?:string) Creates a table that maps the alphabet to its reversed equivalent. If a parameter is passed, it ensures that all the characters in the string are unique and then maps the value to the character at the opposite end of the string.
createBinaryTable(baseString:string) Creates a table which maps the characters of the base string to its binary equivalent. This function ensures that all the characters in the string are unique and then creates a mapping using the unique characters.

Template Objects

Both textTemplate and template functions create an object that supports these functions. You can retrieve its values by using the content property.

Function Description
map(key:string, value:string Inserts the key-value pairs into the content
delete(key:string) Deletes the value with the key
merge(templates:object[]) Creates a new template with combined values of all the templates passed. The merge only includes key-value pairs that do not exist in the current template you are calling the function from.

Builder Module Usage


This functionality should be used in conjunction with module.

Defining custom keywords

const template = builder.template();'key1', 'value1');'key2', 'value2');
console.log(template.content); // {key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'}

Deleting keywords

const template = builder.template();'key1', 'value1');'key2', 'value2');
template.delete('key1'); // deletes key1 property
console.log(template.content); // {key2: 'value2'}

Updating values inside keywords

const template = builder.template();'key1', 'value1');'key1', 'value2'); //overwrite key1 inside the template
console.log(template.content); // {key1: 'value2'}

Merging multiple templates

// create text template and normal template
const table = builder.createReversedTable();
const textTemplate = builder.textTemplate('reversed', table); // { reversed: function(string) }

const template1 = builder.template();'key1', 'value1'); // { key1: 'value1' }
const template2 = builder.template();'key1', 'value2');'key2', 'value3');

// merge two templates
const mergedTemplate = template.merge([textTemplate, template2]);
// { 
//    key1: 'value1',
//    key2: 'value3',
//    reversed: function(string)
// }

Defining custom text modules

// This one is used if you want a custom text module
const template = builder.template();'customtext', (text) => { //do stuff here });
// If you pass this into the parse function, you can use it by calling (customtext,value)

Parse Function

Replacing text with faces

const input = '(bear)';
const output = builder.parse(input);
console.log(output); // ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ

Converting text into core.text module outputs

const input = '(fliptext,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)';
const output = builder.parse(input);

console.log(output); //zʎxʍʌnʇsɹbdouɯןʞɾıɥƃɟǝpɔqɐ

Defining custom prefix and suffix

const options = {
    prefix: ':',
    suffix: ':'
const input = ':bear:';
const output = builder.parse(input, options);
console.log(output); // ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ

Using custom faces with template

// define template mapping
const template = builder.template();'custom', '(o____O)');

const input = '(custom)';
const output = builder.parse(input, null, template);

console.log(output) //(o____O)

Using custom text module with template

const template = builder.template();'customtext', (text) => { //do stuff here });

const input = '(customtext,some values here)';
const output = builder.parse(input, null, template);

console.log(output); //customtext output

Build Function

Creating your own asciimoticon

const template = builder.template();'eL', 'o');'eR', 'o');'fL', '(');'fR', ')');'m', '_');

const sequence = ['fL', 'eL', 'm', 'eR', 'fR'];
const output =, template);
console.log(output); //(o_o)

Helper Module

Function Description
transpose(str:string, table:object, backwards:boolean) Creates a new string from the table. If the backwards flag is set to true, it returns the new string backwards
find(partial:string) Finds all the faces related to the partial string
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