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Releases: chrislo27/RhythmHeavenRemixEditor


27 Apr 18:32
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Version 3.18.1

Some of these contributions are by Kamayana. Many thanks to them!


  • Added new keybinds:
    • CTRL+SHIFT+A to select all entities
      • Previously this was accomplished by going to the start (pressing HOME), beginning a selection, going to the end (pressing END), and completing the selection
    • CTRL+F selects all entities following the current selection (if no selection is present, uses the playback start marker)
      • Specifically, all entities at or after the left edge of the current selection/playback start
    • CTRL+R selects all entities preceding the current selection (if no selection is present, uses the playback start marker)
      • Specifically, all entities at or before the right edge of the current selection/playback start
    • CTRL+T selects all entities between the left and right edges of the current selection (does nothing if there is no selection)
  • Added quick halving/doubling of tempo
    • Hold ALT while placing a tempo change to double the BPM
    • Hold SHIFT while placing a tempo change to halve the BPM
  • New copy/paste functionality
    • Note: the old ALT+drag functionality is still supported, and is still the recommended way to quickly copy entities
    • CTRL+C copies the current selection to the clipboard
    • CTRL+X cuts (copies and deletes) the current selection to the clipboard
    • CTRL+V will bring you to the (Clipboard) section in Stored Patterns for pasting
      • image
    • The selection will be copied as a JSON string identical to the format used by stored patterns


  • Holding CTRL and SHIFT at the same time while panning the camera no longer functions
  • Reworded Music Distortion entity subtext
  • On macOS: Holding Command (⌘) will count as holding CTRL in-editor
  • P will now also store a selection as a stored pattern
  • Irrational time signatures are now properly supported
    • image
    • Use save file editing (open your rhre3 file as a zip archive in 7-Zip, and edit remix.json) to achieve this


  • Fixed texture entities causing crashes when rendered (StackOverflowError)

v3.18.0 - Controller Support Update

13 Apr 18:40
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Version 3.18.0

Please download the file, as it contains a fix to End Remix entity rendering.

(The older release, named, will be kept for history.)

More work is being done to tweak and improve things here and there. I'm opening more capabilities of the sound system to JSON databasing (such as loop endpoints), along with adding Playalong quality-of-life improvements, such as controller/gamepad support and new input types. Also, time signatures got rewritten and support different note types!

If you enjoy using this program, please consider making a donation.


  • Added "Read the Docs" button in Info and Settings that opens the docs webpage in your browser
  • Added better camera behaviour option
    • The "Camera follows playback" checkbox option has been replaced with "camera behaviour"
    • Choose between following playback, panning over at the edge of the screen instantly, and (new) panning over at the edge of the screen smoothly
  • Added general controller support in Playalong Settings
    • Please remember to connect your controllers before starting the program, as there is no way to re-detect connected controllers while the program is running!
    • You can bind controller inputs to button inputs for playalong mode
    • Xbox 360/One controllers already have recommended bindings by default
  • Added two new Playalong Input entities
    • Long Press A
    • Long Tap and Hold
    • Both should be used for Glee Club transitions where you don't need a timed release
  • Cues are now more powerful
    • Added new properties: earliness, loopStart, and loopEnd
      • earliness allows a cue to be played before it usually does, to account for subtleties like in DJ School
      • loopStart and loopEnd allow a partial loop to be defined
  • The music start screen now has a function that tries to guess where the start of music is
    • It provides a button to place the music start marker in the appropriate place
    • Note: it simply finds where the silence at the start ends, so make sure to make adjustments as necessary!
    • image
  • Added QWERTY WASD/JN and AZERTY ZSQD/JN playalong keybindings (#283)
  • Added special entity to DJ School - Music Distortion
    • When active, it applies a low pass and high pass filter on the music as an approximation to what actually happens in-game
    • Details: Bessel high pass filter at 1500 Hz + Bessel low pass filter at 1000 Hz
  • Improved time signatures greatly
    • They now support beat units other than quarter notes!
      • Now supports: half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes
      • To change the beat unit, hold SHIFT and scroll (or press UP/DOWN/W/S)
    • They can also now be placed anywhere with regards to snap level (use with caution!)
    • Measure lines are thicker and more obvious
    • Measure part lines are now more prominent
    • image
  • Added glass entities
    • Used when you use menu backgrounds as the editor background
    • screenshot
    • There's a corresponding option for this in Info and Settings
    • Note: you won't be able to use this if your system also does not support minimap previews (framebuffer objects required)
  • Added no tempo message
  • Added a new advanced option
  • Added an easter egg in-editor


  • Release and Hold/Tap inputs are now "bordered" to better differentiate them from normal Hold cues
    • image
  • Playing from inside a cue/pattern will start the sound from where its position in the sample is
    • Previously it would just immediately play the sound from the beginning
  • Updated custom sound notice (README_SFX.txt) to include an RSDE link
  • Subtitles are now placed where missing entities are with the missing ID as the text
  • The theme chooser has a scrollbar on it now
  • Music select screen will only open the file chooser immediately if no music is set
  • A dragged selection will more obviously show if it is invalid or being deleted
    • image
  • The Info and Settings screen has been paginated into Info and Settings
    • I ran out of space to add settings
    • The Discord Rich Presence setting has also always been in the wrong column due to space constraints
  • Removed 120.0 BPM tempo marker at start of new remixes


  • Fixed some Spanish localizations in the Playalong Settings
  • Play-Yan will no longer walk off the initial asset loading bar
  • Fixed game display not showing up during playalong
  • Fixed an issue where the 120 BPM tempo change at beat zero would remain when loading a RHRE2 remix
  • Fixed custom databasing not working with most special entities (x is not a DurationModel)
    • Everything has a properly defined duration now
  • Fixed a bug where the "no playalong inputs" text would overlay on the playalong menu if playalong was activated for the first time when a remix was in the middle of playing
  • Fixed the pattern preview button appearing where it shouldn't
    • Now everything is either previewable or not, not just "special entities are not previewable"
  • Fixed crash if starting with last language set to French (choice format incorrect error) (#284)
  • (2019-04-15 hotfix) Fixed End Remix entities rendering weirdly
  • (2019-04-15 hotfix) Fixed missing Spanish and German localizations


16 Mar 04:49
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Version 3.17.1

Please download the file, as it contains a possible fix to #278.

(The older zip file, named, will be kept for history.)


  • Fixed monster goal crashing for Java 11 (#276)
  • Fixed Jumpin' Jazz credits crashing for Java 11 (same cause as #276)
  • Fixed trackers (tempo change and music volume change) with large widths sometimes not getting rendered

Version 3.17.0 Changelog

Playalong Mode

Read the documentation for all the info!

  • Playalong lets you assign timed inputs in your remix
    • Other ➡ Special Entities ➡ Playalong Input Entities
      • Also, the Skill Star SFX found in Extra SFX adds a skill star to the remix if placed at the same beat as an input
    • You can select from 3DS/GBA button types and RHDS touchscreen controls
    • image
  • Press G to open the Playalong menu
    • image
    • There are various challenge settings there -- Tempo Up/Down, Perfect Challenge, Monster Goal, and Life Goal
  • Right clicking the Playalong button in the toolbar opens the settings
    • image
    • Calibrate your keyboard and mouse inputs independently
    • Enable/disable the fail/ace SFX
    • Change between several control schemes
      • The QWERTY WASD/AZERTY ZSQD schemes are optimized for Rhythm Heaven-style controls with the D-pad on the left side
  • With the Playalong menu open, play your remix and tap the buttons (or click on the touchscreen) with good timing!
    • image


  • Added Playalong Mode
    • See section above for more info
  • Added modding metadata
    • Lots of helpful metadata for people who mod and edit the RH games
    • image
  • Added portable mode setting
    • Use the launch argument --portable-mode or use the new run_portable_X files
    • RHRE will put preferences and any other relevant RHRE data in the same folder as the JAR file when portable mode is enabled
    • Keep in mind that the host computer still needs Java 8 minimum
  • Pressing MIDDLE CLICK or CTRL+RIGHT CLICK (while the selection tool is active) on an entity will jump to that in the game picker
  • Pressing CTRL+K focuses the search bar
  • A bounding box appears behind a selection when dragging or stretching it now
    • image
  • The online counter in Info and Settings has a history button that will bring up a 24h histogram
    • image
  • Added message bar info when using the Tempo Change or Music Volume Change tools
    • Shows the change, duration, and transition duration (if gradual) when hovering over a tracker
    • Example screenshot
  • Advanced Options has a proper menu now
    • Simply press CTRL+A while in Info and Settings to access it
    • Or, click the editor version label five times
  • Added pitch style option in Advanced Options
    • Change between Sharps, Flats, or Integral pitch styles
  • Added two new backgrounds
    • Launch Party
      • image
      • The stars are animated
    • Kitties!
      • Plain white background with no animation if you prefer that
    • Additionally, backgrounds now have names in addition to their number in the Info and Settings screen
  • Added support for monitors with a higher refresh rate than 60 Hz
  • Added --show-tapalong-markers launch argument
    • A hidden, disabled feature from v3.0.0 where markers were set for every "tap" when using tapalong. You were supposed to use it to line up the music start marker but it was deemed too confusing
  • Added --midi-recording launch argument feature
    • If you have a MIDI device connected, playing midi notes will write notes to the remix if the remix is playing
    • Pressing the sustain pedal will toggle between playing and paused states
    • Note (pun not intended): This feature does not seem to have true real-time capabilities. It depends on your system's drivers. As such, please keep in mind that it is just a "toy" feature and is not intended for truly serious purposes.
    • Example gif
  • Added entities loaded indicator in load menu
  • New remixes start with a 120 BPM tempo change marker at beat zero by default


  • A selection of stretchable entities is now stretchable
    • ex
    • Previously only one entity may be stretched at a time
    • This is especially useful for Board Meeting
    • All of the entities in the selection must be stretchable for any stretching to work
  • RHRE doesn't determine the RSDE version anymore
  • Characters per second tooltip on subtitle entities is now enabled as part of Advanced Options being enabled (previously had to be debug mode enabled)
  • Right clicking the up/down arrow buttons in the picker jumps a page at a time (4 rows for game groups and games, 5 for patterns)
  • The HOME and END camera jump keys are now smooth like the minimap (previously instant)
  • Removed F8+SHIFT+G keybind to copy games (superceded by Advanced Options button)
  • Right clicking an entity with the Ruler tool active will copy the entity's ID
  • The selection box shows up to two decimal places now in width
  • Beat numbers are now rendered behind texture entities
  • Save menu has a loading icon when processing
  • Picker display more obviously shows it is unable to drag new entities when the current tool isn't the Selection tool
  • Entities that will be selected when dragging a selection box over them will be highlighted
  • Improved localization pluralization where possible


  • Fixed HTTP requests not enforcing compression
  • Fixed cursor not staying in "stretching" mode when actively stretching an entity
  • Fixed arrow in stretchable entities not rendering correctly when moving or stretching the entity
  • Fixed tall entities not showing real height in minimap
  • Fixed Time Signature tool editing time signatures even when the mouse wasn't on the time signature beat
  • Fixed converting selection to JSON not working if a tape measure entity was present
  • Fixed picker display being laggy with large numbers of datamodels
  • Fixed end entity not having interpolation when moving
  • Fixed README_SFX.txt having wrong info about overwriting games
  • Fixed fade effect on gradual music volume changes not reversing (transparent to opaque) when the music was getting louder
  • Fixed message bar not showing "Drag the ends for a gradual transition" for tempo changes
  • Fixed possible infinity BPM in tapalong
  • Fixed possible JNA native library error (#273)
  • Fixed file name casing problem (#275)
    • This new check will only be done for custom sounds
  • Fixed entity text behaving weirdly when not at normal zoom levels (ex: Game Boundaries view)
  • Fixed minimap showing all white if the furthest ahead entity was negative
  • Fixed right clicking on search bar not switching to search results
  • Fixed CTRL+S in-editor triggering a scroll down event
  • Fixed tempo up spinning animation for credits stopping when fading out
  • Fixed text being "wiggly" after resizing the window multiple times
  • Improved internal implementation of pattern previewing (Listen to Pattern); no longer instantiates internal Editor scene

v3.17.0 - Playable Remixes Update

17 Mar 22:11
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A newer version is available here!

Version 3.17.0

Playalong RHRE logo

It's the biggest RHRE update in history -- bigger than the RHRExpansion (v3.12.0), adding playable remixes and modding metadata.

This update was only made possible by our donators. If you enjoy using this program, please consider making a donation.

Playalong Mode

Read the documentation for all the info!

  • Playalong lets you assign timed inputs in your remix
    • Other ➡ Special Entities ➡ Playalong Input Entities
      • Also, the Skill Star SFX found in Extra SFX adds a skill star to the remix if placed at the same beat as an input
    • You can select from 3DS/GBA button types and RHDS touchscreen controls
    • image
  • Press G to open the Playalong menu
    • image
    • There are various challenge settings there -- Tempo Up/Down, Perfect Challenge, Monster Goal, and Life Goal
  • Right clicking the Playalong button in the toolbar opens the settings
    • image
    • Calibrate your keyboard and mouse inputs independently
    • Enable/disable the fail/ace SFX
    • Change between several control schemes
      • The QWERTY WASD/AZERTY ZSQD schemes are optimized for Rhythm Heaven-style controls with the D-pad on the left side
  • With the Playalong menu open, play your remix and tap the buttons (or click on the touchscreen) with good timing!
    • image


  • Added Playalong Mode
    • See section above for more info
  • Added modding metadata
    • Lots of helpful metadata for people who mod and edit the RH games
    • image
  • Added portable mode setting
    • Use the launch argument --portable-mode or use the new run_portable_X files
    • RHRE will put preferences and any other relevant RHRE data in the same folder as the JAR file when portable mode is enabled
    • Keep in mind that the host computer still needs Java 8 minimum
  • Pressing MIDDLE CLICK or CTRL+RIGHT CLICK (while the selection tool is active) on an entity will jump to that in the game picker
  • Pressing CTRL+K focuses the search bar
  • A bounding box appears behind a selection when dragging or stretching it now
    • image
  • The online counter in Info and Settings has a history button that will bring up a 24h histogram
    • image
  • Added message bar info when using the Tempo Change or Music Volume Change tools
    • Shows the change, duration, and transition duration (if gradual) when hovering over a tracker
    • Example screenshot
  • Advanced Options has a proper menu now
    • Simply press CTRL+A while in Info and Settings to access it
    • Or, click the editor version label five times
  • Added pitch style option in Advanced Options
    • Change between Sharps, Flats, or Integral pitch styles
  • Added two new backgrounds
    • Launch Party
      • image
      • The stars are animated
    • Kitties!
      • Plain white background with no animation if you prefer that
    • Additionally, backgrounds now have names in addition to their number in the Info and Settings screen
  • Added support for monitors with a higher refresh rate than 60 Hz
  • Added --show-tapalong-markers launch argument
    • A hidden, disabled feature from v3.0.0 where markers were set for every "tap" when using tapalong. You were supposed to use it to line up the music start marker but it was deemed too confusing
  • Added --midi-recording launch argument feature
    • If you have a MIDI device connected, playing midi notes will write notes to the remix if the remix is playing
    • Pressing the sustain pedal will toggle between playing and paused states
    • Note (pun not intended): This feature does not seem to have true real-time capabilities. It depends on your system's drivers. As such, please keep in mind that it is just a "toy" feature and is not intended for truly serious purposes.
    • Example gif
  • Added entities loaded indicator in load menu
  • New remixes start with a 120 BPM tempo change marker at beat zero by default


  • A selection of stretchable entities is now stretchable
    • ex
    • Previously only one entity may be stretched at a time
    • This is especially useful for Board Meeting
    • All of the entities in the selection must be stretchable for any stretching to work
  • RHRE doesn't determine the RSDE version anymore
  • Characters per second tooltip on subtitle entities is now enabled as part of Advanced Options being enabled (previously had to be debug mode enabled)
  • Right clicking the up/down arrow buttons in the picker jumps a page at a time (4 rows for game groups and games, 5 for patterns)
  • The HOME and END camera jump keys are now smooth like the minimap (previously instant)
  • Removed F8+SHIFT+G keybind to copy games (superceded by Advanced Options button)
  • Right clicking an entity with the Ruler tool active will copy the entity's ID
  • The selection box shows up to two decimal places now in width
  • Beat numbers are now rendered behind texture entities
  • Save menu has a loading icon when processing
  • Picker display more obviously shows it is unable to drag new entities when the current tool isn't the Selection tool
  • Entities that will be selected when dragging a selection box over them will be highlighted
  • Improved localization pluralization where possible


  • Fixed HTTP requests not enforcing compression
  • Fixed cursor not staying in "stretching" mode when actively stretching an entity
  • Fixed arrow in stretchable entities not rendering correctly when moving or stretching the entity
  • Fixed tall entities not showing real height in minimap
  • Fixed Time Signature tool editing time signatures even when the mouse wasn't on the time signature beat
  • Fixed converting selection to JSON not working if a tape measure entity was present
  • Fixed picker display being laggy with large numbers of datamodels
  • Fixed end entity not having interpolation when moving
  • Fixed README_SFX.txt having wrong info about overwriting games
  • Fixed fade effect on gradual music volume changes not reversing (transparent to opaque) when the music was getting louder
  • Fixed message bar not showing "Drag the ends for a gradual transition" for tempo changes
  • Fixed possible infinity BPM in tapalong
  • Fixed possible JNA native library error (#273)
  • Fixed file name casing problem (#275)
    • This new check will only be done for custom sounds
  • Fixed entity text behaving weirdly when not at normal zoom levels (ex: Game Boundaries view)
  • Fixed minimap showing all white if the furthest ahead entity was negative
  • Fixed right clicking on search bar not switching to search results
  • Fixed CTRL+S in-editor triggering a scroll down event
  • Fixed tempo up spinning animation for credits stopping when fading out
  • Fixed text being "wiggly" after resizing the window multiple times
  • Improved internal implementation of pattern previewing (Listen to Pattern); no longer instantiates internal Editor scene

v3.16.0 - Measure Up-date

26 Dec 21:45
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Version 3.16.0

This update was only made possible by our donators. If you enjoy using this program, please consider making a donation.

There is a complementary RSDE update v1.0.5 which adds compatibility for this RHRE update.


  • Entity text now attempts to stay on screen
    • Example ex
    • Super helpful for longer entities that don't always fit on screen
  • Added the Tape Measure entity
    • Find it in the Special Entities game
    • ex
    • It's a stretchable entity that acts similarly to the Ruler tool but it stays on the remix


  • MP3 exporting has been given a higher bitrate, from 128 kbps to 196 kbps
    • Note that quick uploading (Upload Immediately) still uses 128 kbps for a smaller file size


  • Fixed being able to overwrite the Special Entities game through custom sounds


19 Dec 20:03
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Version 3.15.3

This update was only made possible by our donators. If you enjoy using this program, please consider making a donation.


  • Pattern entities that are unstretchable will use their defined width instead of using their own width when loading
    • This fixes most but not all problems with changed patterns in SFX Database updates affecting remixes saved in older versions


09 Dec 00:18
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Version 3.15.2

This update was only made possible by our donators. If you enjoy using this program, please consider making a donation.

Note: This editor update coincides with SFX Database update v86 and is required for said SFX update.


  • Made hover text on Discord rich presence more informational


  • Fixed texture entities not loading textures when selected (#269)
  • Fixed search filters with games with search hints being included in results even if they don't match the filter at all


10 Nov 07:12
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Version 3.15.1

This update was only made possible by our donators. If you enjoy using this program, please consider making a donation.


  • Added a new start-up event for the holidays
    • Stay tuned in December...


  • Fixed long-standing bug where you could duplicate entities via the response-copy feature (#268)
  • Fixed some bugs with analytics

v3.15.0 - The Update That Ruled the World

04 Nov 04:06
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Version 3.15.0


Rule the world with RHRE! Well, if you count the "world" as your custom remixes and "ruling" as in using a ruler.

This update was only made possible by our donators. If you enjoy using this program, please consider making a donation.


  • Added the ruler tool
    • Shows the horizontal distance between beats, snapped or not
    • Press the tool button, 7 on the number row, or R
      • Holding SHIFT removes snapping
    • image
  • Improved support for modding with Rhythm Heaven Megamix (#267)
    • 0x30 rest notation will only be visible when Advanced Options are enabled (click the version in Info and Settings five times)
    • Rest notation in selection box indicators
      • image
    • Rest notation in the ruler
      • image
  • Added new loading icon
  • Added Partners page
    • These are our awesome partners who spread the word about RHRE!
    • Check out their YouTube channels by clicking the button in Info and Settings
      • image


  • Changed Discord rich presence rollover text to just the program title (previously GitHub URL)
  • Removed height indicator in selection boxes
  • Width indicator on selection boxes are now the track line colour for more readability
  • Fixed "Copy selection to JSON pattern" button bounds

v3.14.0 - I can't come up with any names that aren't a stretch

06 Oct 17:35
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Version 3.14.0

This update was only made possible by donators. If you enjoy using this program, please consider making a donation.

v3.14.0 advert


  • Re-added stretchable tempo changes due to popular request
    • Click and drag a tempo change
  • Added a new scrolling Tap Trial background
    • image
  • Added removal warnings when overwriting stock games with custom ones


  • The default background is back to the Tengoku white squares background
    • Only applicable if you're a new user or your last version was BEFORE v3.12.0


  • Fixed pattern preview button appearing after scrolling the pattern menu while a remix was not stopped (#261)
  • Fixed duplicate object check in game registry not firing for custom games
  • Fixed a "Remix ends at last cue" setting having an undesired effect on the anniversary event