This project is my fork to the fabscan windows port by zhangdong1981. (
I've merged the more recent FabScan100 code base with this windows port and fixed a few issues with garbage getting sent to the micro controller.
The intension is to complete/fix the logic for using multiple lasers and to add features like sweeping lasers and multiple camera.
- Visual Studio or Express 2010 for C++
- Qt5 Win32 with opengl for MSVC2010
- 32-bit versions of PCL
- OpenCV w/ all the 3rd party stuff
- edit weibao/weibao_3d/weibao_3d.vcxproj.user and fix <QTDIR> entries to point to where you have installed Qt5
- open weibao/weibao_3d.sln in MSVC2010
- select Project->Properties. Click on Configuration Properties. In VC++ Directories, Include Directories->edit and make sure there are "include" entries for OpenCV; PCL; PCL/3rdParty/Boost, /Eigen and /FLANN; and Qt5 /include/QtMultiMedia and /MultiMediaWidgets.
- In Library Directories ensure "lib" entries for OpenCV; PCL; PCL/3rdParty/Boost, /Eigen, /FLANN and /VTK; and Qt5.
- In Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies ensure (no paths required) qtmain.lib, Qt5Core.lib, Qt5Gui.lib, Qt5OpenGL.lib, opengl32.lib, glu32.lib, Qt5Widgets.lib, opencv_core245.lib. opencv_highgui245.lib, opencv_imgproc245.lib, pcl_common_release.lib, pcl_features_release.lib, pcl_io_ply.release.lib, pcl_kdtree_release, pcl_octree_release.lib, pcl_search_release.lib, pcl_surface_release.lib
Copy the following files to the weibao_3d/win32/Release directory:
From Qt5/5.1.0/mscv2010_opengl/bin...
- icudt51.dll
- icuin51.dll
- icuuc51.dll
- Qt5Core.dll
- Qt5Gui.dll
- Qt5Multimedia.dll
- Qt5MultimediaWidgets.dll
- Qt5Network.dll
- Qt5OpenGL.dll
- Qt5Widgets.dll
From OpenCV/build/x86/vc10/bin...
- opencv_core245.dll
- opencv_highgui245.dll
- opencv_imgproc245.dll
From PCL1.6.0/bin...
- pcl_common_release.dll
- pcl_features_release.dll
- pcl_io_ply.release.dll
- pcl_kdtree_release.dll
- pcl_octree_release.dll
- pcl_search_release.dll
- pcl_surface_release.dll
Also OpenNI.dll is required which seems to be a driver installed by the PCL 3rd party software OpenNI
These are the .dll versions of the files pointed-to in the Linker->input->Additional Dependencies list plus icu*.dlls from Qt5
TODO: document the Qt5 serial lib compile as well.