This project contains some materials that I have been using to teach children an introduction to Python during the summer term of 2016.
I've been working with a group of 6 children (ages 8 to 11), with one hour per week.
Lesson 1: This lesson actually took 2 weeks.
- IDLE Python Shell.
- Saving and running Python programs.
- The print() function.
- Understanding some Python error messages.
- Values: Strings, Numbers, Lists.
- Number arithmetic, string concatenation.
- Using variables for storing values.
- if / else conditions.
- while loops with counters.
- Importing the random module and using random.choice().
- for loops
- Sequences
- Turtle graphics
- An introduction to functions
- Caesar cipher project
Lesson 4: This lesson took two weeks.
- Data Structures: lists, sets and dictionaries.
- Calculating prime numbers with sets.
- Escape from Stamford Green adventure game (version 1)
- Not in the materials, but we also spend a bit of time with class members adding their own rooms to the maze and making random events happen: a teacher occassionally appears and sends you to the staff room. There was a question about how, on completing the game, it could tell you how quickly you did it. This influenced the time.time() functionality in the next lesson!
- Type conversions
- Simple exception handling
- Timing with time.time()
- Times Table Test game
- More turtle graphics: filling shapes, choosing colours, clicking on turtles, many turtles, and making your own turtle shapes.